Sloan Street
Church, Lisburn
At a Service of Ordination and Installation in Sloan Street
Presbyterian Church, Lisburn on Sunday evening 10th April 2005,
Paul McCarroll, Nelson Small, Ivan Wiggam and Gary Wilson were
ordained as Elders.
The service was led by The Rev. Gary Glasgow - Acting
Moderator of Dromore Presbytery assisted by the Rev. John Keefe
- Acting Clerk of Dromore Presbytery. The Rev. Keith Duddy -
Minister of First Dromore Presbyterian Church, who gave the
�Scriptural Warrant for the Office of Elder� explained how the
appointment of elders originated, how it is woven through the
Scriptures, and therefore in accordance with the Old and New
The Rev. Gary Glasgow - Acting Moderator of Dromore
Presbytery conducted the Act of Ordination and Installation. The
Rev. Adrian McLernon - Minister of Drumbo Presbyterian Church
gave a meaningful and practical �Charge to the Elders and the
Congregation� based on the portion of Scripture from Nehemiah
Chapter 1: Verse 1 to 11, read by Sloan Street Representative
Elder - Mr Jim Hamilton. The Rev. McLernon explained the
importance of charting a course for God�s glory at Sloan Street
using the example of Nehemiah: - A man with Deep Concern for
People; A man of Prayer and Planning; and a man Available for
individuals, devotion and God�s leading. Referring to well known
parables about the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son,
Mr McLernon pointed out the need for new elders and the whole
congregation to begin an all out search for lost souls and see
God�s hand at work in Sloan Street.
Valarie Wiggam - Organ, Dr. Gareth Irwin - Piano, the Praise
Band and Church Choir led the praise which included - Praise
waits for Thee in Zion Lord; Revive thy work, O Lord; King of my
life, I crown you now; O Thou who camest from above; and the
concluding hymn was - Lord of the church, we pray for our
A special offering, taken on behalf of the Students� Bursary
Fund, raised a total of �500 and after the Service of Ordination
ladies of the congregation served an excellent supper in the
Church Lecture Hall.
Pictured at Sloan Street Church last
Sunday evening is newly ordained elders L to R: Paul
McCarroll, Nelson Small, Ivan Wiggam and Gary Wilson.
Also included is (back row) The Rev. John Keefe -
Minister of Sloan Street, James McDowell - Clerk of
Session and Jim Hamilton - Sloan Street Representative

Pictured at a Service of Ordination
and Installation of Elders in Sloan Street Presbyterian
Church last Sunday evening are L to R: (front) The Rev.
John Keefe - Acting Clerk of Dromore Presbytery, James
McDowell - Clerk of Session and newly ordained elders:
Paul McCarroll, Nelson Small, Ivan Wiggam and Gary
Wilson. (back row) The Rev. Adrian McLernon - Minister
of Drumbo Presbyterian Church, Rev. Keith Duddy -
Minister of First Dromore Presbyterian Church, Rev. Gary
Glasgow - Acting Moderator of Dromore Presbytery; and
Representative Elders of Dromore Presbytery: Jim
Hamilton - Sloan Street Presbyterian Church; Ken Kyle -
Railway Street Presbyterian Church, Professor Harold
Gamble - First Dromore Presbyterian Church and John
Magee - Anahilt Presbyterian Church.

The Minister and Elders of Sloan
Street Presbyterian Church pictured at a Service of
Ordination and Installation of Elders last Sunday
evening. L to R: (front) New elders - Paul McCarroll,
Nelson Small, Ivan Wiggam and Gary Wilson. (back row)
The Rev. John Keefe - Minister of Sloan Street and
existing elders: James McDowell - Clerk of Session,
Robin McCulla, Jim Hamilton, James Martin, Dr. Brian
Craig and Kenneth Irvine.

After the Service of Ordination
ladies of the congregation served an excellent supper in
the Church Lecture Hall.
Written by:
John A. Kelly |