Crown Jesus Ministries evangelists - Gareth
Murphy (on drums) and Keith Mitchell and Roy Walker
(right) are pictured with some of the many young
people who took part in �Lost� at the Lisburn City
Centre Elim on Friday 2nd May.
Thomas McCormick (left) is pictured receiving an
iPod, which he won in a competition ran by Debbie
Boyce (right) and Jonny Mills at �Lost� in the
Lisburn City Centre Elim on Friday 2nd May.
Lost, based on the popular TV series was
held in the Lisburn City Centre Elim last Friday night (2nd
May 2006). Organised by Crown Jesus Ministries, the new youth
event of music, mime and drama, is aimed at saving lost souls
for Christ.
Christina Kirk, Erin Morrison, Sharon
Graham, Stacey Martin, Julie Robb and Ali Russell performed a
dance item; Jonny Mills, Shannon Graham, Danny Nash, Darrel
Neville, Stacey Martin, Adam Faulker, Debbie Boyce and Ali
Russell performed a sketch; Cameron McVeigh and Gareth Beggs
gave their testimonies; Gareth (Spud) Murphy from Crown Jesus
Ministries and Johnny McKee led the band; and Keith (Mitch)
Mitchell from Crown Jesus Ministries gave the closing talk. In
a competition ran by Debbie Boyce and Jonny Mills, young Thomas
McCormick was the proud winner of an iPod. The event was a huge
success and the next one will be held on Friday 4th
August at 7.30pm.