Concert featuring AudioDetectives with
Captain Cameron and guest will
raise money for Christian Aid |
The imaginative and enthusiastic minds of local
composers Andrew Dougherty and Nathan Jess came together to
form this exciting new project in 2007. AudioDetectives
recorded their debut EP, �Open Up Your Eyes� which was
released earlier this year. As individuals, these guys can be
heard all over the country with the tunes of folk, soul, rock
and jazz. Capturing their varied inspirations and musical
backgrounds, they create honest stories of hope and faith,
sung with an intensity of belief and emotion seldom found in
many artists. This band will have you on the edge of your
seat as you hear their silent orchestra of computer sounds
appear and wrap themselves around the lyrics and melodies that
already captivate you from the stage. The songs explore and
inspire, they challenge and voice the hope and promise that
comes straight from the heart of this exciting group.
A quiet man, Captain Cameron holds himself with the
humble air of one used to serious thought. His lyrics are
intricately crafted observations, full of depth and rich
metaphor, yet they never totally hide the undercurrents of
raucous banter, found in a man with a rather sharp wit. From
the quiet obscurity of Drumbeg, he found his folk legs on the
rock stage with SixStarHotel, yet his own sound follows
another path. His music is delicate and considered, awash
with passionate crescendos and fragile phrases that convince
us that he truly means what he sings. Indeed, Captain Cameron
has a command of verse and chorus befitting his name.
The lineup guarantees a great night of local talent
and all the money raised will go to Christian Aid who will be
along to talk about what they will be doing with the money and
how we can support them. So get your tickets now!