David McCallion (War
Year�s Remembered)
pictured at his WW1
Exhibition in
Lisburn Orange Hall.
A WW1 Exhibition hosted by Lagan Valley Orange Historical
Society was held in Lisburn Orange Hall on Tuesday 4th to
Friday 7th November. Lisburn Mayor, Councillor Ronnie
Crawford officially opened the exhibition, which included: a
lecture on Wednesday evening entitled �World War One� by
Noel Kane (Somme Heritage Centre); a lecture on Friday
evening entitled �First World War� by Billy Thompson of
Trenchline Lectures; and concluded on Saturday evening with
a commemorative dinner celebrating the 90th anniversary of
the signing of the Armistice.
The exhibition entitled �Bringing history alive for all
ages� by David McCallion of War Year�s Remembered was on
display on Tuesday and Wednesday and the exhibition entitled
�First World War� by Lagan Valley Orange Historical Society
was open from Tuesday to Friday.
For more information on David McCallion�s exhibition, visit
L to R: (seated) David McCallion
(War Year�s Remembered), Stephen Croft (LVOHS
Secretary), John Palmer (LVOHS Chairman), Diane
Carlisle and Councillor Jennifer Palmer. (back
row) Gordon Dickson, Jim Halliday (LVOHS
Treasurer), John Pattison, Fred Willoughby,
Harry Wilson and Noel Kane (Somme Heritage
Centre). |
Members of Lisburn Temperance
Junior LOL 100 pictured with David McCallion
(War Year�s Remembered) at the WW1 Exhibition in
Lisburn Orange Hall.
David McCallion (War Year�s
Remembered) and Noel Kane (Somme Heritage
Centre) pictured holding the signal sent in 1918
stating the end of the war. |
John Palmer (Chairman of Lagan
Valley Orange Historical Society) recalls his
recent visit to the Somme with David McCallion
(War Year�s Remembered). |