Tiernan, 26, grew up in Lisburn and is the publisher of AU
(Alternative Ulster) Magazine. For the past three years the
magazine has been involved with the Music
Revolution festival which is currently running at the Lisburn Island Arts Centre. This year is no exception and the magazine will present home grown rock talent on Thursday August 17. Jonny is responsible for the organisation and promotion of the show.
He studied Psychology at University but as a student pursued his interest in DJ'ing and working in local radio. Three years ago he felt that it was time to set up a magazine dedicated to local music and he hasn't looked back since as the business has gone from strength to strength. The magazine publisher now lives in Belfast and a few weeks ago got engaged to his girlfriend Elissa.
My apartment is very close to the office so it only takes me three minutes to get to work. normally leave at 8.30am just depending on what has to be done each day. I like to get an early start on things.
I usually reply to emails and make a list of the people I have to contact.
Once a month I sit down with the team and plan what is to go into the monthly magazine. We discuss reviews, features, gig guides, festivals, reviews of CD's, singles, movies and live acts as well as sorting out advertising and organising competitions for the readers.
Being my own boss I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the magazine although the staff know exactly what they have to do to make sure we produce a first class magazine for our readers. I work closely with the team. Everyone knows what has to be done so I just make sure everything comes together nicely.
I am heavily involved in the marketing and promotion of the magazine. The event at the Island Centre next week is an example of this. Putting together shows at music events around the country is an excellent way of promoting Alternative Ulster.
A lot of thought and preparation goes into these shows. I have to organise the bands that I want to take part so that means contacting them and arranging dates and then liasing with the event organisers and sorting out appropriate promotional material. I have been busy organising our show at Music Revolution. First of all I had to book the bands, get posters and invites drawn up and contact the relevant press organisations. I have to make sure the sound person and light engineer are prepared and the bands know all the appropriate details about the event.
I sorted out promotional photos of the bands and have spoken to the magazine journalists and photographer with regards to band interviews and pictures of the show for the next edition of the magazine.
Then on the night I will be responsible for making sure everything is in place to ensure a fantastic show.
We have a great line up of the best new home-grown rock to the festival. Lisburn's MojoFURY will headline and La Faro, Patiosounds and Lisburn newcomers Another Broken Summer will appear.
As a magazine publisher the job is more of a lifestyle to be honest. I have to go to gigs and festivals and attend meetings with bands and promoters. l lead a busy life. It is essential to have my finger on the pulse and check out new bands and talent. Aside from the magazine content and publication I also have the general business side of things do deal with too.
In the evenings I might be out at a gig or Dj'ing so when I do have a night when I don't have anything planned I enjoy spending time with my fiancé Elissa.
We like going for a drive, meeting up for coffee or going out for meals and catching up with friends.
I have two pet rats, which I let out of their cage when I get home. Believe it or not they are very friendly and smart. I've trained them and they are great pets.
After a long day I like to relax in front of the television before going to bed.
Ulster Star