25, is the morning show presenter at Lisburn's very own
radio station BFBS 100.6FM.
He lives in Lisburn with his partner Aimee and has a young daughter called Nicky. The couple are expecting another child in a few months.
Jonny became involved in radio at the age of 14 when he volunteered at the hospital radio. His passion developed and he soon became a regular on various local commercial stations.
A day in my life as a presenter is hectic. I get up at 6am, have some breakfast and go to the studios for 6.30am.
I read the newspapers and find out the latest stories and get myself ready for the show, which starts at 7am.
You need a clear head to concentrate on all the things that have to be done so I'll have a cup of coffee before I start.
I check e-mails and play-list, look at the listeners' requests and get the first songs queued on the computer.
From 7am until I go off air at 10am it is nonstop in the studio.
I am not just sitting there putting on discs and talking - it's a lot more complex. In fact
it's frantic. There are usually 10 different things to do at once - answering the phones, checking the traffic and travel web-sites, getting weather reports and making sure the next song is ready to go.
I have to produce the entire show so all the features have to be put together by myself. You definitely have to be on the ball. There is no right or wrong way to do radio.
It is quite an interactive show with people texting and phoning-in requests and taking part in the quizzes and competitions. I have a generic clock, which helps me keep an eye on the things that have to be done during the same time slots everyday.
These include news links, traffic and travel updates, competition features, promo tracks and of course the music tracks.
When I come off air at 10am that's not my day over. I have a lot of things to do. I update the website and add the answers to the questions from the `where's your head at?' feature and put on the names of competition winners.
I then prepare for the next day's show. I work on the promotions for the show too. I might go out and about the local area doing vox pops asking people their opinions on different topics and then I'll come back to the studio and put together audio clips.
If there is an event on in the area I contact the organisers to get more details so I can inform the listeners.
When I am out I get a lot of requests from people asking me to mention them or someone they know on the radio so I make a list. I find people like to hear their names on the radio and it adds a nice personal touch and encourages people to listen in.
I normally have lunch at home for an hour and head back to the studio around 2pm.l work on more promo trails and cut and edit the audio for some of the shows in the evening.
Then I'll work on the three questions I am going to ask in the `Where's your head' feature. It is tricky trying to find the most appropriate questions that aren't too easy or too difficult. I liaise with the other presenters and Station Manger on a regular basis. My day at the station usually ends at 3.30pm when I go home and spend time with my family.
There's no doubt about it - I really enjoy my job. It's exciting and very rewarding.
Ulster Star