LISA McCormick, 24, presents CityBeat 96.7 FM's afternoon
drive show. The Lisburn woman began her presenting career at
hospital radio when she was at school and soon got involved
with short-term radio stations.
With a passion for music Lisa studied media production and music technology at the University of Teeside and not long after graduating landed a job presenting an evening show called 'cuddle on the couch' for CityBeat before moving to the afternoon programme.
Most mornings I get up at 9am. I shower and get dressed and then go to a nearby garage to buy a newspaper - it's essential that I am aware of local and international news events before I go on air.
When I get back home I have breakfast and then check my emails to see if any last minute changes have been made to the show by the programme controller.
I normally arrive at the new studios at Ormeau Avenue at 1 pm. I might speak to my boss Bill Young and I liase with the news and sales teams to bring me up-to-date with news items, promotions, live reads and mentions to be made during the show.
I don't spend too much time doing preparation work, as I like to be spontaneous.
The news is first, followed by the weather information and my first talking out piece.
The first hour is laid back and chilled. When I'm not on air talking, I am taking calls and reading text messages in the studio and if the subject is interesting I'll talk about it on air. Every topic under the sun is discussed.
All the music is on a computer system - this makes my job so much simpler. I have a mixing desk in front of me and I use this to control the output of the show.
I move the faders to go on and off air and have to be careful not to leave my microphone on when I'm supposed to be off air. Timing is crucial in my job so I am always watching the clock. 3-4pm is the 'big ones' hour when number one songs are played. 4- 6pm is the hectic part of the show.
Traffic bulletins are on every 20 minutes and the traffic presenters are based in Scotland so I speak to them via a digital phone line. It can get quite stressful during the last few hours and if I have guests on the show it's bedlam as I am trying to entertain them as well as making sure the show runs smoothly. I am annoyed when I can't respond to certain messages and calls but I am only human and try to get through as many as possible. The show finishes at 6pm and I prepare the way for the Belfast tonight show. I tie up any loose ends, note the details of winners from competitions and report any problems with the show such as a song cutting out or a song not being played. I chat to whoever is about the office, do a bit of production work and then head home.
I'm not a great cook so I regularly go to my parents' house and have dinner with them. In my spare time I meet friends, go out for dinner or to the cinema.
I recently bought a Mini Cooper so I like to go to Mini conventions for a laugh. If I'm not out in the evening I enjoy relaxing in my house by watching TV, listening to music or reading.
Ulster Star