Farrell from Derriaghy recently set up Pristine Park n Clean
a revolutionary new system of mass car wash. His mobile car
wash business operates in a car park in Lisburn at the
moment but Peter intends to implement teams in car parks
across the province. Peter is married with three grown up
children. He was Company Accountant at Coca-Cola Bottlers,
operated an import and export business and ran a Public
House before setting up his new business.
About six months ago he was inspired by a mobile car wash system he saw in operation in England. After some careful research he decided that there was a niche in the market over here for such a business.
I get up most mornings at 8am. I eat a light breakfast before checking emails and making any necessary phone calls in my office, which is based at home. Then I head to Lisburn to meet the car wash team and help them get set up for the day. I sort out supplies and make sure they have sufficient stock before I leave.
I return home and make calls to potential clients. I have to do my research and find out who the handling agents are for the various car parks around the province. I'll spend some time chasing up the agents and try to make appointments for meetings. Having only established the business I am still trying to promote it to as many agents as possible as it is my intention to have teams operating in multiple car parks.
I regularly have lunch meetings where l will demonstrate the success of the mobile car wash. I explain how the business works and how the team is based in the car park and have purpose built trolleys. which hold all the equipment to allow them to wash cars where they are parked. The customers pay for whatever grade of service they require and continue with their shopping. The customer is not required to pass over
car keys unless an interior valet has been requested. When they have completed their business their vehicle will be ready and will have remained in its original parking bay. The system uses the minimal amount of water and all the products used are environmentally friendly.
In the afternoon I may go back up to the site in Lisburn and see how the team is getting on. I spend time researching new products and equipment and am also trying to find the right clothing branding for the staff in order to make them easily identifiable. I usually go back home do some more work in the office. I might work on leaflets and other ways to promote the business too.
In the evenings I have dinner with my wife and I try to relax.
In my spare time I enjoy playing golf and socialising with friends and family. My wife is an exceptionally good cook so we regularly have friends over for meals.
I like motor sports and have been to several grandprix's.
Most evenings I am in bed by 12am.
Ulster Star