Shaw, 35, owns Eden Health in Smithfield Square Lisburn and
is a registered British Complimentary therapist. He is
married to Leona and has three children Kerry, eight,
Olivia, seven, and Patrick, one.
The health enthusiast opened his shop in Lisburn six years ago but has been involved in the health business for as long as he can remember, as his family ran a health shop in Banbridge, which he also now runs.
Simon recently obtained a Diploma in Homotoxicology, which is a method using homeopathy remedies to detoxify the body.
I spend my week working between the two shops. If I am based for the day in the Lisburn store I leave my house in Banbridge around 8.30am. The shops are open six days a week but I try to work only five days, as I like to spend the weekend with my family. Eden Health supplies vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, health foods, natural skincare treatments and homeopathic remedies and offers a food allergy testing service.
As well as the general running of the business the staff and I are on hand to advise customers. People like to ask questions about products and often want me to recommend something for their ailments.
I like to spend time trying to keep up-to-date with latest research posted on herbs and supplements. It really is such a vast growing industry so I need to be familiar with the latest research in order to advise people correctly. As well as reading literature, I attend courses and lectures on a regular basis and recently obtained a diploma in Homotoxicology - a modern approach to homeopathy, which makes use of combination homeopathic formulas.
As well as the homeopathic remedies available I have also implemented a range of 100% skincare treatments by Dr. Hauschka.
These treatments are chemical free and very popular among people trying to decrease their toxin levels. Once a week a specially trained Dr. Hauscka therapist comes into the shop to treat the customers who have made appointments.
Food allergy testing plays a big part in my job. With the use of a special machine I check people's levels of resistance against certain foods. This helps eliminate some dietary health problems. The machine acts as a probe and works on a person's acupuncture points. It doesn't break the skin but creates an electrical circuit, which measures changes in the body's resistance to various food substances introduced into the test circuit. The shop closes at 5pm and I usually leave at 5.15pm. I head home and have dinner with my family. I try my best to live a healthy life and eat as much organic produce as I can. I limit the amount of processed and refined foods as much as possible. I am fortunate that my wife is a great cook. I like to play some golf and football but most of my spare time is spent with the family. After my children go to bed I spend time with Leona and then head to bed at midnight.
Ulster Star