Anne Foley is a complementary therapist and runs Lir
Amethyst Moon with Bernie Davison from premises in Aghalee. Both are
experienced and qualified complementary therapists, crystal and spiritual
healers and teachers. Anne was born in County Westmeath. Her interest in
holistic/complementary therapies started in the late 1990s and in 2001 she
qualified as a Reiki practitioner and has been a qualified holistic massage
therapist since 2002. Anne's work with Reiki and holistic massage drew her
to develop an interest in energy healing and she was introduced to what she
calls the beauty and the power of crystals', and their healing properties.
The name of the business was derived from the Irish legend 'The Children of
Lir' - Anne was born near Lough Derravaragha, where legend has it that
children were turned into swans and the name incorporates the image and
beauty of the Swan, the symbolism and power of the Moon, the colour and the
crystal Amethyst.
I get up at 6.30am, meditate for around 20 minutes or do a self healing with crystals for grounding, protection and to give me clarity and focus for the day. I leave for work as a medical secretary at 7.50am. I arrive home around 5pm - and this gives me time to prepare myself to greet my first client. Room preparation is paramount, the room has to be cleansed energetically before and after each client.
Our clients ask for different treatments so there is quite a bit of variety. Crystal healing therapy is probably my favourite treatment as the different energies coming from the crystal is wonderful. It is complementary to orthodox medicine and should be used along with and not instead of medical treatment by a Doctor. A crystal healer cannot make diagnosis, but instead works on the whole body holistically. When the body's energies are in balance the body then has the strength to help heal itself. Spiritual Healing is also a very popular complementary holistic therapy. Holistic means treating the whole person rather than their physical symptoms. Spiritual Healing can work through various levels - gaining balance, health and wholeness to mind and spirit and also on the physical body. It is complementary to orthodox medicine. Spiritual Healing works on an energetic level of a client's body.
Holistic Massage is something else we offer. It has developed as a treatment related to the whole person, not just the presenting condition but all conditions, which may or may not appear. It involves the manipulation of soft tissue effecting a change in the surrounding tissue and structures. It looks at everything about the person, their job, their home life, diet, exercise regime, sleep pattern as well as general health background. It takes into account body, mind and spirit. Hopi Ear
Candling is another treatment popular with our clients. It is a pleasant and non-invasive treatment of the ears, which treats a range of conditions. These candles induce a revitalising heat upon the head and ears, which relieves, soothes and relaxes. We also do animal healing. Animals tend to accept crystals and energy healing much more easily than people. They are open to anything they sense will make them feel better.
Before any treatment can be given to an animal the vet has to be consulted and his/her permission given. I really enjoy my work because it is very satisfying to see people and animals benefiting from the treatments. It is a wonderful way to spend my evenings and I am delighted with the response we have had so far from our clients.
Ulster Star