ISOBEL McGrath is the Manager of the Golf Outlet Fashion
Leisurewear store in Lisburn Square, which opened at the end of last year.
She lives in Maghera with her husband Robert and they have three grown up
children and three grandchildren. Isobel divides her time between managing
the Lisburn and Antrim stores.
I live in Maghera so I need to leave my house at 7.30am to get into Lisburn for about 9. My time is spent working in both the Antrim and Lisburn stores. I normally spend about four days a week in Lisburn and the rest in the other shop.
When I arrive at work I check my emails and set up the computers and make sure the store is tidy for the first customers arriving. I then have to organise the staff and make sure everyone knows what the objectives for that particular day are. I keep a daily diary and I write down what needs to be done that day and it is available for the staff to look at too.
I spend most of my time on the shop floor and would only be in the office to place orders with our stockists and to do the administration work and organise rotas. It is my responsibility to replenish stock and I am constantly checking orders and placing them with our suppliers. The owner of the business leaves the ordering to me but will be in touch regularly to discuss sales figures and how the business is going. Lisburn Square has a great reputation for its fashion and leisure wear brands across its stores.
The Golf Outlet fits this profile perfectly as the products on sale are not only popular with golfers but also for those looking for stylish casual wear. Currently we're selling a wide range of international brands including Green Lamb — the official clothing partner of the Ladies Golf Union throughout the UK and Ireland, and leading American brand Cutter & Buck. Given the time of year the store is also well stocked with a range of premium quality waterproofs and rainwear. From MD Golf we have clubs, bags and travel covers.
As we continue to respond to customer needs we anticipate expanding our stock by introducing further collections and providing clothing suitable for juniors. I am really enjoying bringing new styles to the store and getting good feedback from the customers. It's great interacting with the customers and being able to offer advice if required.
While I have management experience I am not as familiar with he golfing world but now I am getting the opportunity to learn so much about the game. I am not a golf player myself but I enjoy hearing the
customers talking about their love for the game. It's great to see people with so much passion.
The day just goes so quickly and there is always plenty to do. At the end of trade I write up reports and sort out the financial side of things before securing the premises and heading home.
I am normally back at home for around 7pm. I have dinner and then take my dog Holly out for a walk before settling in for the evening by watching the soaps.
I only started working for the firm a handful of months ago and I must say that I am really enjoy it. I wouldn't travel this distance if I didn't. I am learning something new all the time and this makes my job very satisfying.
Ulster Star