`Short story making a comeback' says local

Lisburn author David Lewis with his 'Short Stories'.
LISBURN author David Lewis has been chosen as
one of three authors to contribute to a new book of short
stories, 'Short Story Introduction l', produced by Lagan Press.
David contributed four stories to the
collection -'Mallemuck', 'Whale', 'Twitching' and 'Hopboy'.
Born in Lisburn in 1974, David went on to
study Bisochemistry & Genetics at the University of Nottingham
before taking up creative writing at the University of East
David is no stranger to the written word. A
former newspaper reporter, he is director of
www.CultureNorthernlreland.org, Northern Ireland's leading
arts and cultral website.
He also won the prestigious David Byrnes
Irish Writing Award in 2004 and was one of eight unpublished
writers to be selected for a week-long workshop at the Tyrone
Guthrie Centre with renowned author Toby Litt.
"The short story is making a comeback," said
David, "with readers realising what an exciting medium it can
"A short story can be a slap in the face, a
slow seductive kiss, a memorable elegy, a thrilling blood rush -
but they are all moments of escape in our increasingly fractured
and chaotic lives.
"I like to take my characters to the edges of
human experience and see what they do," he added.
Readings from 'Short Story Introductions l'
will be held at the Black Box Theatre in Belfast on Tuesday
October 16 from 7.30pm.
Priced at �7.99, 'Short Story Introductions
1' is available at all good bookshops and available online from
Ulster Star