THE area's newest band, Magheragall Pipe Band, recently held
their first public event - the Dedication of their uniforms and
instruments in Magheragall Parish Hall.
The proceedings started with a prayer and scripture reading by Wor. Bro. Harrison Watson, Lay Chaplain of Lowquarter Volunteers LOL No. 187 and Magheragall District LOL No. 9.
Burnside Accordion Orchestra provided the musical accompaniment and the Rev. W.J. Watson, Deputy County Grand Chaplain conducted the act of Dedication of Band instruments and uniforms.
The 18 band members who had reached performing standard paraded out of the hall.
Chairman William Leathem thanked everyone for their support, especially the guests including Mayor Councillor Cecil Calvert, Deputy Mayor Bill Gardiner Watson, Jeffrey Donaldson MLA, Councillor Edwin Poets MLA, Councillor Norah Beare MLA, Most Wor. Bro. Robert Saulters Grand Master Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland and Rt. Wor. Bro. Robert McIlroy County Grand Master of Antrim.
He told everyone that the band had been formed in July 2003 and the majority of the members had never played bagpipes or drums before. But through hard work, dedication and excellent teaching they had progressed to performing standard and were now able to be on the road.
Everyone then enjoyed an Ulster Scots musical programme featuring Gareth Fulton with Clatter o' Fowk, Burnside Accordion Orchestra, Drumlough Highland Pipe Band and Bright Lights Scottish Dancers.
Following this Magheragall Pipe Band led a parade to Lowquarter Orange Hall.
The Orange Hall had recently been extended to
incorporate new toilets featuring disabled facilities, entrance
hall and disabled access.
Bro. Irwin Taggart Worshipful Master of Lowquarter Volunteers
LOL No. 187 welcomed everyone to the Hall and invited Rev.
Watson to dedicate the Hall and Mr Saulters to cut the ribbon
with ceremonial scissors presented by Wor. Sister Sharon Hendren
Worshipful Mistress of Magheragall Women's First LOL No. 151.
With all the formalities completed everyone was invited to a family barbecue. Gareth Fulton provided the entertainment.
Mr Leathem said: "The turnout for the double Dedication was phenomenal and beyond our expectations. We were honoured by the attendance of our guests, Brethren and Sisters from Lodges across the County and so many of our community.
"It is especially gratifying to see the resurgence of our Ulster Scots identity and cultural traditions in our community and the confidence and prosperity of LOL No. 187 in the refurbishment of our premises which will benefit those who enjoy the wide programme of activities.
"A lot of careful planning and hard work went in to the organising of the event and I wish to thank all the Band and Lodge Members for their support and enthusiasm.
"I am delighted to announce that Magheragall Pipe Band will participate in the Mayor's Parade on May 14 in Lisburn City and I thank the Mayor Councillor Cecil Calvert for his invitation and support."
Ulster Star