Ravarnette School

Part 3

The Panama Canal is 40 miles long. It takes a ship eight hours to go through it. SHIRLEY FOWLER, P5


Falls are caused by carelessness,
When running down the stairs,
And when someone falls down them
Then there will be cares,
Then there will be weeping,
Then there will be groaning,
And all through the house
The one who fell is moaning.
Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh deary me!
Whatever shall we do ?
He'll have to go to hospital,
Me, him, and you.
My friend is in a class in school and her teacher told her that there was an inspector coming and going to ask some questions about the Equator. So the teacher told my friend to remember that the Equator
is an imaginary line running round the earth. When the inspector came he asked my friend what the Equator was and he replied, "It is an imaginary lion running around the earth." JANET FRIARS


The wind is sometimes strong or weak, It comes a-howling from street to street, And, at night as I go to bed,
The next day I think I will dread.
But then, when I come home next day, Ah well! I think this day was O.K.


It's raining very hard,
It's coming down upon the yard,
Listen it coming on top of the flat,
Pitter-pat, pitter-pat, pitter-pitter-pat.

My mother said, "Look in the shed,"
The tiny tiny paw, Little Paw,
It was a little cat,
Sitting on my mum's clean mat.

I said to the cat, sitting on the mat,
The rain's all over, Get Out! SCAT!

One day my younger sister had been given her bath. My mother cut her nails and her hair. While she was doing this my mother told her that she would be very pretty when she got bigger. My sister's reply was, "I may be pretty but I'll never grow if you keep cutting my ends off."
I would like to be a farmer or else a preacher. If I was a farmer I would have one horse, twenty cows, four pigs, two sows and two boars. I would like best of all bringing in the bales on the tractor.
It I was a preacher I would like goving out Communion wine and the squares of bread. It is only for Christians who remember Jesus when he died on the cross. I would have the church open all week for everybody that wanted to pray or look around.
I attend Rupert Stanley College five days a week. At the college I am doing Child Care. To do this course I must attend the Rupert Stanley College as it is the only college or school in Northern Ireland which caters for this course. The course lasts for two years and after this you are entitled to become either a Nanny, a matron of a children's home, or a Nursery School Assistant. The Rupert Stanley College caters for many different kinds of courses some of which are not catered for anywhere else.


Would you believe it
They have planted a tree
There, in the hallway
Especially for me.

They have hung it with play things
That sparkle and shine;
Can such a present
Really be mine ?
No, it must be for me
I will give it a try
There is a star on the top
I wonder why?

How was I to know
It was not for me ?
How was I to know
It was a Christmas tree ?

Big! and Brown!
A grizzly bear
Is chasing after a little hare;
The hare is small and brown you see,
It hops much faster than you or me;
But the bear ran fast and caught the hare
And had it for its dinner.


Sadly a man died,
Sadly somebody cried,
Sadly they put the flowers on his coffin,
Sadly the boy went to bed,
Sadly he fell asleep.
Questions and answers have been compiled by the Ravarnette Primary School Swimming Club.
1. Why is it important that everyone should learn to swim? - Because you never know when it may save your life.
2. Why is it dangerous to eat or chew in the water?
- You could choke or the gum could stick in .the back of your throat.
3. Why is it dangerous to run around a swimming pool?
- The sides are usually slippy and you could fall and hurt yourself.
4. Why should boys and girls never call out for help in fun?
- Because when you really need help people will still think you are joking like the boy who cried "Wolf".
5. If you fall in and can't swim what should you do?
- Keep calm, call for help, float on your back and try to attract attention by waving one arm only.
6. If someone else falls in what can you do?
- Look for something to help him out with like a stick or a rope. Lie down so that you will not be pulled in too. If you cannot reach him throw him something that floats to hold onto while you fetch help.
7. What would you do if you were in a boat and it turned over?
- Hang on to the side and shout for help or sit on the submerged boat and try to paddle it ashore. Never leave the boat.
8. How would you get out of a bed of weeds if you became entangled? - Do the Jelly-fish float to untangle yourself and side stroke out.


Red pens on a page to write,
Red tongues in our mouths to talk,
Red bags to carry things from the shops,
Red blood to flow through us and keep us alive,
Red spelling books to help us to spell,
Red paint to brighten our front door,
Red flowers in the garden to watch,
Red vans to bring us our letters,
Red, red! Everywhere.


I like Crossroads because there is a lady in it who is always gabbling and sometimes she gets told off. There is a man called Mr. McFee who is a Scot and is always drinking but the manager does not allow him to drink during working hours.
Look and Read
I like Look and Read best of all. It's so exciting. This term it is about Joe and the Sheep Rustlers. Everybody likes it. It is on at 10 o'clock on Tuesdays. It is my favourite T.V. Programme in school. I like when it
shows you the Beastly Beasly Brothers. I think Canty is a nice horse. I would like to be Jill and then Canty would be my horse.



by Aidan Chambers in the Piccolo True Adventure Series.
I always enjoy Ghost Stories. In my book it said some of the Ghost Stories are true and that made it more exciting. I like to know what happened to the people in the ghost stories. I really do. But then it said some of the stories are made up ones. Well it would be very difficult to pick out the made up ones from the true ones in this book.
When the Mobile Library Van calls at our school I always tell the ones picking the books to make sure they look out for Ghost Stories. I really love those kind of books. I read them all night and in my spare time at school. I even read them going up the road on Sundays.

by Helen Hoke

I liked this book better than most other books because it is very, very funny. There are loads of jokes, and funny rhymes in it. The joke I liked best was: "What did one eye say to the other? Just between you and me there is something that smells."
There are also many tongue twisters like: "Seven soldiers shovelling soft snow slowly".
goto top

by Arthur Annsworth

I liked this book because it was so sad. I bought the book because dogs are my favourite pet. There was a man in the story who hit the dog because he didn't like it. It was a small Collie which was only five months old. Two orphans owned the little dog. There is a happy ending to this book.

by John N. T. Vince

I like this book because it tells you all about ships. It tells you what price the ships were when they were built, and lots of information about them. In fact it tells you all you need to know about them.

by Enid Blyton

I got this book for Christmas. I liked this book because there were different lands at .the top of the tree like The Land of Toys. The bit that is sad is where one of the people get caught. The names of the children are Jo, Dick, Fanny and Bessie.

by Frances Eagar

This book is in the Hamish Hamilton Gazelle series. I enjoyed this book because the uncle and the donkey were in it. I like the bit where Tom brought the donkey upstairs and the children dried it with a dish cloth. The names of the two children were Tom and Charlotte. I think they are nice names.

GHOSTS-An Anthology of Spectral Tales
chosen by Alan C. Jenkins

I like this book because it is very scarey. One night this girl was living on her own and she decided to go to bed. She always remembered to lock all the doors. I like the bit where the ghost tries to break into her house. She was fast asleep and did not know that the ghost was trying to break in. There is a frightening ending to each story in the book.

by Dorothy Edwards

I liked the story because the little girl went away to stay with her God-mother for the weekend. The little girl does not need anybody to tell her what work she has to do.

by Joyce Brisley

This is a good book. Billy Blunt plays a joke on Milly one day. He tied string to a parcel and when Milly Molly Mandy bent down to pick it up she had such a surprise, it slid away from her and she gave a squeal.
Her little friend Susan dropped an orange. Later someone took it and posted it. The address was Mr. Nobody, Grand View, The Moon and the stamp wasn't right.

by Shirley Hughes

I like this book because Jack is always getting into mischief. I like the bit where Jack pulls almost everything off the table at his sister Nancy's birthday party. I also like the bit near .the end of the story where
Nancy says, "The trouble with Jack is he's my brother and I have to put up with what he does."


Angrily! I pull the dog's tail,
Angrily! I biff the cat,
Angrily! I slam the door,
Angrily! The dog bites me,
Angrily! I hit Roy,
Angrily! I stamp my foot.


We left school that day at 3.30. The first night we stayed at Ballygalley. On the way Howard Walker was sick on the bus and he had to get out and clean himself up behind a hedge. We played rounders and
other games on the beach. Later in the evening we went for a walk to the Candle Light Inn.
The next morning we left at 7 a.m. after breakfast. Half way to Larne we discovered that the master had left the packed lunches behind. So we had to go back for them. We were still in time for the boat at 8.30. It was called "The Antrim Princess". It only took 2; hours to get to Stranraer.
It was a long journey to Stirling. We did not arrive until 6 p.m. We stayed in the Youth Hostel near the Castle. We visited the Execution Stone in Sterling as well as the Castle. Colditz, the T.V. programme, was filmed in Stirling Castle and we saw where the German Sentry walks.
One day we visited Edinburgh Zoo and saw Golden Eagles. We shopped in Princess Street and visited the Edinburgh Transport Museum. Another day we went swimming in Alloa and on the way home we also went swimming in the new pool in Ayr. We were away four nights and five days.
I think Scotland is a great place and I'd like to go again.


Ravarnette Women's Institute was founded in 1965 by the late Mrs. Irene Walker and Mrs. Laura Hall of 6 Ravarnette Gardens, and twelve ladies from the surrounding district. From that small nucleus the Insti tute has grown in size and popularity until membership was closed at 75 with a long waiting list.
Members meet once a month in the barn at Ravarnet House provided by Mrs. Walker. Our :meetings are mainly of an educational and social nature with a varied programme drawn up at the beginning of the year by the President and Committee, providing for a guest speaker each month on various subjects of interest to the members and include:travel talks, antiques, cookery demonstrations, dressmaking, floral art, toy making, cake icing, wine making, beauty care and keep fit to name a few, with a competition each night in relation to the subject of the talk. The highlight of the evening is the delicious supper provided and served by the members.
The Institute Members are keenly interested in Welfare Work and organise a cake sale each year. The proceeds of which are donated to the Voluntary Care and After Care Committee and helps to provide much needed equipment for the treatment of patients in their own homes when they leave hospital. We also provide helpers for the Trolley Shop in Kilwarlin Home for two months each year and send a gift of eggs to the residents at Easter. Each month our surplus cakes are sent to the Lisburn Hospital as an extra treat for the patients and staff.
This year we helped to organize the Senior Citizens Garden Party in connection with Lisburn Civic Week and we entertained the Senior Citizens of Ravarnette to a Christmas party.
The members enjoy a variety of entertainments such as a day outing to which friends are invited, an evening outing to the theatre, our annual Birthday Dinner and invitations to neighbouring Institutes. We have return visits to our Guest Night in the Barn. We have had weekend visits to Bunratty Castle, Majorca, Edinburgh and London and plan to visit Scotland in May.
In our desire to improve the conditions of rural life, we have been unsuccessful in our request to the Lisburn Council to provide street lighting on the Ravarnette Road, to clean up the approach to the Paper Factory and to provide recreational facilities for the youth of Ravarnette. This I hope will give readers some idea of what the Women's Institute is all about.
Miss SARAH A. McDONALD (President 1974-1975)


You are cordially invited to:
Lisburn Library, 27 Railway Street, Lisburn BT28 1XP Telephone 6749
Hours of opening:
MONDAY 10 a.m.-8 p.m. THURSDAY 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
TUESDAY 10 a.m.-8 p.m. FRIDAY 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
WEDNESDAY 10 a.m.-1 p.m. SATURDAY 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Library provides Lending and Reference Services for adults and children, services to schools, hospitals, old people's homes, and to housebound readers. Books and periodicals for business, study and recrea tional reading; a selection of picture books for children of pre-school age. Requested material not already in stock shall be purchased or borrowed from another Library Authority. Membership is free.


The Citizens' Advice Bureau is a place to which any member of the public wanting information or advice on a matter of concern to them can go for help. They will receive free, impartial and wholly confidential help from a trained worker.
Questions are as diverse as people. They come in all sizes. What may be a relatively trivial matter to someone who has the security of work, home, and family can assume frightening aspects for a person lacking some or all these supports. So whether callers come to talk over their troubles or seek specific information, they will find the workers at the Bureau equally ready to help and to listen to them.
During a typical day in a Bureau, workers will be helping people with many different needs. An elderly couple facing eviction from their home after 20 years; a secretary in dispute with her firm over holiday pay; a young couple in a tangle over hire purchase commitments; a schoolboy wanting to leave home; a wife whose husband has started divorce proceedings and fears that he will take away her young children; a man wanting to know where to buy a pedigree dog. Often discussion of a straight forward matter can bring to light a more serious underlying problem. The couple with a hire purchase difficulty may realise that they never faced up to what their money problem is doing to their marriage. After a talk with a C.A.B. worker they may decide to seek further help from a marriage guidance counsellor.
The services of a C.A.B. are entirely free to anyone who needs them. The Lisburn Citizens Advice Bureau is at the Bridge Community Centre, Railway Street, Lisburn (Tel. Lisburn 2251).
Monday  10-12 noon 2.30-4.30 p.m.  
Tuesday 10-12 noon 2.30-4.30 p.m. 7-9 p.m.
Wednesday 10-12 noon    
Thursday 10-12 noon   7-9 p.m.
Friday 10-12 noon    
The Lisburn Bureau is run by about 20 men and women who come along for two hours every week. We often need new people to work in the Bureau so that it can stay open as long as possible.

Campaign against World Poverty

Approximately two years ago I was asked to start a War on Want shop in Lisburn and with the help of a small group of hard-working ladies who scrubbed, cleaned and painted, we cleared out an old shop and stocked it with all kinds of clothes, shoes, ornaments and books. Now we have approximately 50 ladies who staff the shop voluntarily for four days every week.
Our shop enables the local people to buy second-hand clothing at very reasonable prices and enables our organization from the proceeds of the sales to give more to the starving nations of the world, either in the form of actual food or by sending someone who specialises in some form of production to teach them.
War on Want also makes donations to deserving causes, for instance The Voluntary Service Bureau in Belfast and the Salvation Army. India and Africa remain the main recipients.
Also in Lisburn lives Mrs. Betty Nabney who began War on Want's Belfast shop and who visits local women's organisations with a fashion show of all the beautiful old clothes she has had given to her by the local people. These include garments over a hundred years old. The ladies in our shop hope to do something similar to this shortly after the new year showing clothes from the 1920 era. We would certainly be grateful for more voluntary help in the shop and of course without the Public help in donating the clothes they have grown out of and no longer require, we would have nothing to sell. Do you have any toys you no longer use that we could sell ?


Lisburn Community Service Council was formed in October 1957 at an inaugural meeting in Lisburn Town Hall, and Alderman Mrs. Sarah Crothers, M.B.E., J.P., was elected the first Chairman which office she held until her passing on the 2nd January, 1972.
The Meals-onwheels Service was started on the 20th December, 1960. This service was, and is, the responsibility of the Lisburn Community Service Council. Mrs. Crothers collected most of the money for the meals van which she designed with Mr. Lewis the coach builder. The Meals-on-wheels van is the only one of its kind in Northern Ireland and may even be the only one of its kind in the British Isles. This service serves meals two days per week to the elderly and handicapped people of Lisburn, often delivering the meal right into the bedroom of the recipient. The recipients pay 7p for each meal and the balance of the price of the meal is made up from the funds of the Community Service Council and a certain percentage from the Eastern Health and Social Services Board. Two ladies serve and deliver the meals from the van each day and are assisted in this task by two students from a local Secondary school. The meals are served on dishes belinging to the Council and these are collected next day and sterilized ready for re-use on the next day of service.
The Council also undertakes with the help of two local schools to visit, shop, chat and do housework, etc., for any lonely or incapacitated folk who require assistance. Sometimes younger people come to us seeking advice and assistance.
We are at the moment endeavouring to provide a Senior Citizens' Centre for an area in Lisburn where the Senior Citizens could meet for various activities six days of every week.
The Council is supported in its work by many local firms who help financially and in other ways encourage the ladies in the work. In the book, "My Lady of the Chimney Corner," Anna says: "God takes a hand where he can find it and just does what he likes with it and sometimes he takes the hand of an old craither like me to give a bit of comfort to a neighbour. But they're all hands touched by His Spirit and His Spirit is everywhere looking for hands to use."
Mrs. MAUREEN McKINNEY (Chairman L.C. Service Council)


Three years ago, this was formed to bridge the gaps between the Secondary schools in the area. Pupils from the various schools have been meeting regularly for lectures and social evenings. Several weekend conferences have been held at Benburb Priory and Corrymeela. These proved very popular and valuable. A most enjoyable result is that there is now a request from past pupils to continue meeting.


The Cancer Research Committee was formed in 1958 by Mrs. Norah Boyle, who was the first chairman. We have organised many fund raising efforts, including Coffee Parties Jumble Sales, Auctions, Fashion Shows, and Floral Art Demonstrations. Our main effort is the Annual House-toHouse Collection, which last year raised the sum of £1300. We have raised over £19,000 since the committee was formed and we are very proud of our efforts. 95% of all money raised goes direct to research. We have 25 members of Committee, and the present Chairman is Mrs. Kathleen Mathewson.


Lisburn Protestant and Catholic Encounter Branch was formed in 1973. Its aims are to promote harmony and goodwill between religious and political communities, to unite and work for the good of all and to
help all to try to eliminate harmful divisions in our society. We work together in goodwill while not in any way attempting to alter each other's convictions. The group has produced a booklet called "Who's Who in Lisburn," setting out in alphabetical order, social services, clubs, societies, churches and government bodies in the town and surrounding district.
P.A.C.E. speakers have included, Rev. Joseph Parker on Witness for Peace, Mr. Worral on Integrated Education, Father Burns on the Irish Problem, Mr. Odling Smee on Medical Missions, and speakers from the Corrymeela Community.
At a symposium on Lisburn To-day and To-morrow, restructuring of District Councils was explained. Meetings are held in the Bridge Community Centre in Railway Street.


meets in
on the 3rd WEDNESDAY each month at 8 p.m


The Women Together Organization was formed in Belfast about four years ago just after the "troubles" began. A woman called Ruth Agnew felt that women from all areas could get together to try to stop the violence and improve the appearance of the dull streets that they lived in. They have done marvellous work in these areas, often helping people whose homes had been wrecked by bombs, providing food and clothing, and have arranged many holidays both here and in England for families who have lost a mother or father or who are living under great strain because of the situation.
Our Lisburn group was formed nearly two years ago by a member who moved from a troubled area, and who felt, that we had a part to play. We who live in Lisburn are lucky because most people here live together without bitterness so we felt we should try to build on this foundation, spreading this goodwill. We have organised daytrips for old people and children both Catholic and. Protestant together, who live in troubled areas, to give them a chance to get to know each other and also as a break from their sometimes frightening existance.
Last Christmas we entertained a group of about 60 old people from the Lisburn area, giving ;them a party and we hope to follow this by regular visits to the homes of some old and lonely people. We feel that in
this way we can show that Catholic and Protestant women can, working together, make our country a happier place to live in.


The Lisburn Business and Professional Women's Club is part of a much larger organisation which exists in all parts of the world. In Great Britain and Northern Ireland there are about 480 clubs of which 31 are in Northern Ireland. The National Federation of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was formed in November 1938 by a most enthusiastic and energetic lady called Miss Gordon Holmes.
The aims and objects of these clubs are:
(a) To encourage business and professional women to realise and accept their responsibilities locally, nationally and internationally.
(b) To raise the standards of education and training for Business Professional women;
(c) To work for the removal of discrimination;
(d) To promote co-operation between business and professional women throughout the world.

The Lisburn Club was started in 1957. We meet once a fortnight on the second and fourth Mondays in the month when we do some business and then usually have a speaker. Last year we have had talks on "Legends of the Rhine", "Road Safety", "The Life of a Bank Manager", and "Ulster Family Names". In February each year we celebrate International Night. On this evening we light candles for clubs in all parts of the world. In this way we think of our B. & P. friends many miles away and hear their news. In October and November each year we help to organize a Public Speaking Competition for Senior Schoolgirls to find a winning school in the whole of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. From time to time we visit other Business and Professional Women's Clubs and we like to have an outing in the summer, perhaps to a National Trust Property or an interesting factory.
This year there are about 41 members in the Lisburn Club; and our Annual General Meeting takes place in January when we elect a new committee. There is a friendly and happy atmosphere at our meetings at which we like to welcome visitors.


The Association has Headquarters in Belfast, with branches in Lisburn Larne and Bangor.
Many people, when they retire, miss the companionship they enjoyed in their work, some miss the regular routine, while others feel useless and unwanted. The Association exists for those who feel they still have energy and enthusiasm to take up a part-time job, or do some voluntary work, or pursue a hobby which ;they may not have had time to study while in full-time work.
The Lisburn Branch has organized a series of talks in the Lisburn Technical College which began on Tuesday the 14th January at 7.30 p.m. The course lasted six weeks and anybody who is nearing retirement, as well as those already retired was welcome.
Miss O. B. TOIT


This is a club for elderly men and women and the members meet in Gregg Street, Lisburn. The Secretary is Mr. G. Dowds, 101 Gregg Street.


The Guild meets every second Wednesday in the month at 7.45 p.m. in Wallace High School, Antrim Road, Lisburn. The objects of the Guild are to advance the education of women irrespective of race, creed and party so as to enable them to make the best contribution towards the common good. Also to educate such women in the principles of good citizenship and to provide or assist in the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation for such women in the interests of social welfare and with the view to improving their conditions of life. There is a wide range of guest speakers throughout the year's programme.


We are a group of women, all ex-Girl Guides. At the moment we are trying to encourage girls in the younger age group (18+) to join. We help as many Guide Packs as possible each year and also do a lot of charity work, e.g. we help "Guide Dogs for the Blind" and the Manor Home, to name just two. Each year we hold a jumble sale and Bazaar. Last year we had a "Hot Dog" stall in Wallace Park on the Saturday during Civic Week. Again the contribution went to charity. We meet on the first Friday in each month from September to May.
We send delegates to conferences in England, Scotland and Wales to see how our counterparts in those places run their Guilds. Last year it was Ireland's turn and it was held in Coleraine, not Lorne as is our usual venue, but we thought due to the troubles we are experiencing do Ireland, Coleraine might be the best place to bring visitors to.
The meeting place of our Guild is in the Bridge Youth Club in Railway Street.


The year opens with a First Aid Course for all those wishing to learn. This includes Duke of Edinburgh Award Students who need an Initial and Higher Certificate to gain the Gold Award. Factories employing over 50 people must now employ one person with a current First Aid Certificate.
Just before Christmas is a very busy time as there is not only the excitement of examinations but also the preparation of gift parcels for the elderly and lonely. This is an enjoyable task as members of the Red Cross visit them in their homes and although the gift is welcome the visit is very often more welcome. After Christmas there is a Nursing Course held. Many of the young ladies have found a love of nursing in the classroom and left to do their training. The course ends with an examination before Easter and the classroom closes for the summer months. During this time knowledge is put to good use by availability for duties at motor cycle races etc. The Red Cross have an ambulance stationed at Lissue Hospital and this is of great interest to the male members of the detachment.
The classes are held in the classroom of the Lagan Valley Hospital by kind permission of the District Administrative Officer, Miss Miller. The British Red Cross Society in Lisburn are very proud to belong to a world wide organization devoted to the caring for the sick and suffering. One can see them on parade, in uniform, on Remembrance Sunday when they lay a wreath at the War Memorial. They are justly proud of their history and remember the many men who would not have returned without the aid of the Red Cross Parcels.
Mrs. MARJORIE MEGRAN (Commandant)
