The Finance Committee
gladly acknowledge Norman Weir and Banbridge
District Council, for their kind subscription to
Vol. 4, and we would express our gratitude for
the continued financial assistance of all our
advertisers. We are most conscious of the fact
that without their help a production of this
quality would be impossible to present, we are
confident the end product remains to be
something of which our Town can be justly proud.
The Editorial Committee are
convinced that the contents of Vol. 4 maintain
our general high level of interest and our
thanks are due to the writers of our articles.
While every care is taken to insure the accuracy
of their contents, we would point out that the
responsibility ultimately rests with the
writers, who are also responsible for any
opinions expressed. Such opinions are not
necessarily those of the Group. We are also
grateful to all who provided photographs, etc.
We extend our thanks to them and to everyone who
helped in any way!
In thanking the reader for purchasing this
book, we would remind them that membership of
the Group is open to all, and that you are
assured of a welcome at any of our monthly
It is also possible for those now living
abroad to become "overseas" members. Further
details are available from our Secretary. |