Sketch of the Session House in which the first school was held. 1834 Ordnance Survey Map showing a National School (arrow) in the area. A slate and slate pencil similar to that used in Drumbo up to 1914. A page from a Vere Foster Copy Book. This stone was laid by Miss Rowena Brown, Edenderry, November 14 1896 Extract from the boys' register 1896. First available Inspector's Report for Drumbo in 1904. Hob nail boots which boys would have worn to school. Extract from a 1914 General Inspection Report for Drumbo. Extract from the girls' register 1916. Report of an Inspector who made an unexpected visit to Drumbo National School in 1919. Address and Presentation to Mr. Thos Allen Letter to the Church Committee from the Principal, Mr. Todd in 1918. Correspondence regarding school clousure due to inclement weather. An Inspectors Report for Drumbo P. E. School in 1936 An Inspector's Report for Drumbo P. E. School in 1942. Offical opening of the new school by Miss Sarah Maxwell in 1959 Pupils at the official opening of the new school. An Inspectors Report for Drumbo Primary School in 1953. 1970 Pupils who took part in the Milk Competition. Pupils at the tree planting ceremony. Pupils at the baloon release.
Issued from 1835 onwards by the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland with the requirement:
'that the principles of the Lesson be strictly inculcated in all schools' Owing to a dispute between the Commissioners of Nat Education & Mr Watson. Agent of the Estate about the Managership of the School the Commissioners decided to strike the school of the board. We decide to build a school which will be large enough for other Congregational meetings on our own ground on the opposite side of the road. And that the Rev,. Mr. Warnock be intrusted to draw out the plans of same. Front row - Alec Somerville, Dick McBride, Hugh Patterson. Second row - Mary Patterson. Maggie Patterson, Annrie Macauley, John Crawford, William Hanna, Frank Megarry,. Charles Gregg, James Thompson. Third row - Robert Crawford, John Press, Hebert McMinn, William Moreland, Jeannie Spence, May, Hanna, Agnes Hamna, Jean Dorman, Josephine McMinn, Lih Miskelly, Nessie Davis, Sarah Press, Elizabeth Crawford, Sarah Green, Agnes Crawford, Jane Maim: Fourth row - Mr Allen. Robert Entwistle, Samuel Glenn, Gawn Graham. William Thonpson, Thomas Dorman. .lack Scott, William Dow, John Titterington, Gawn Glenn. Harry Brown. Elisabeth Glean, Bina Maggean. l.ily Miskelly, Annie Brown, Maggie Spence, Miss Maxwell. Fifth row - William Law, James Entwhistle, Robert Miskelly, Robert Lucas us, Jack Coburn, Robert Hanna,
(Note the comments on cookery and the use of slates.') Front row - James Patterson, James Thomson, Robert Crawford, Henry, Hyands, David Macauley, William Thomson, William Martin, Jonathan Gregg, William Dow, David Titterington. Second row - Annie Dornan, Te reset Macaule r, Ruby Patterson, Marv Patterson, Jeannie McKnight, Charlotte Press, Frank Patterson, Elsic Patterson, William Patterson, Susan Graham, Annie Macauley, William Crawford, Agnes Crcmfirrd, Nora Press josephine McMinn, James McMinn. Third row - Miss Maxwell, Ma y Hanna, Jenny Spence, Lily Miskellv, Aggie Mates r; Nessie Davis, Annie Crawford, Margaret Patterson, Elizabeth Crawford, Annie Brown, Sarah Green, Mr: Allen. Fourth row - Alex Harrison, William Glenn, Jack Coburn-John Crawford, Hugh Martin, Samuel Hanna, Charles Gregg, Alexander Lucas, William Hanna, Gawn Glenn, John Titterington, John Caughey. Fifth row - Larry Todd, Jack Scott, William Lawson, William Moreland, Robert Lucas, William Law, Thomas Dorman, Irvine Brown, Charles Caughey. Back row - Mr, Allen, Charles Gregg, Hugh Martin, Sam Hanna, John Titterington, Bills Martin, William Dow, Irvine Brown, William Hanna, Charles Caughey, Gawn Glenn, Harry Davis, James McMinn, John Crawford, William Glenn, Third row - Mamie Graham, Dinah Thomson, Maud Thomson, Evelyn Graham, Ginny McKnight, Ellen Thomson, Aggie Crawford, Josephine McMinn, Clara Davis, Olive Moreland, Sarah Green, Maggie Patterson. Second row - Thomas Davis, Minnie Craw ford, Lily Hill, Margaret Crawford, Annie Macauley, Eva Patterson, Elsie Patterson, Ginns Davis, Annie Davis, Nessie Davis, Matt Davis, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Martin, Mary Patterson, Billy Patterson, Miss Maxwell, Front row - James Thomson, Roy Patterson, William Hunter, George Davis, John Davis, James Davis, Samuel Hill, Doney Crawford, Frank Patterson, Thomas McKnight, James Patterson, ,lames Davis, David Titterington, Front row - John Hylands, David Patterson, William Crawford, Herbert McMinn, William Todd, James Thomson, Nessie Davis, Hilda Meharry. Ruby Gilliland, Olive Moreland, Mar y Martin, Margaret Patterson, Jack Todd, Second row - Miss Maxwell, William Gilliland, Samuel Maxwell, Susan Graham, Jenny Patterson, Ellen Thomson, Maud Wilgar, John Adams, Robert Magowan, George Magowan, David Curry, Samuel Hanna, Mr. Todd, Back row - James Adams, Torn Parker, David Spence, Ernest Hunter, Maurice Moore, Thomas McKnight, Samuel Hill, James Davis, Samuel Allen, Hugh Hylands, William Moreland, James Patterson. Back row - Maud Wilgar, Ellen Thomson, Evelyn Graham, Jeannie Davis, Susan Graham, Jane Patterson. Front row - Jeannie McCarroll, Ruby Gilliland, Maggie Patterson, Mary Martin, Miss Maxwell, Front row - Jackie Dorman, Alexander Black, Hugh McCarroll, James McKeown, Jack McKe own. Robert Walsh. Second row - Elizabeih Davis, Mudge McKibben, Elisabeth Black, Rachael Ho y, Ruby Magowan, Molly Brown, Mabel McFadden, Ma y McIlroY, Thomas McFadden, Molly McFadden, Lou Porter; Margaret Entwistle, Agnes Entwistle, Third row - Howard Graham-lohn Martin, Sydney Beers, William Walsh, Alexander Ferguson, James Mcllroy, Miss Maxwell, Back row - Sarah Wilgar; Hilda Swan, Mobel Graham. Back row - Harry Crawford, James Davis, David Patterson, Samuel Maxwell, William Patterson, Doney Crawford. Third row - Miss Maxwell, Thomas Davis, Madge Brown, Sally Patterson, Daisy Rea, Ginny Hoy, Mainie Graham, Maud Higgins, Thomas Ferguson, Mr. Todd, Second row - Maud Wilgar, Elsie Patterson, Eva Patterson, Aggie Black, Essie McCarroll, Annie Davis. Front row - Ernest Patterson, William Patterson, John Walsh, Rov Patterson, Cecil Graham. Back row - Charles Rea, Herbert Johnston, Robert Walsh, Ruby Calvert, Mabel Graham, Nan McKeown, John Rutherford, Robert Crockord, Dales Graham, Fourth row - Maureen Maxwell, Molly McFadden, Margaret Entwistle, Ruby Magowan, Lou Porter, Elizabeth Davis, Hilda Swan, Agnes Entwistle, Rachael Hoy, Edith Magowan, Agnes Swan, Mr. Todd. Third row - John Martin, William Watson, Sydney. Beers, Elizabeth Pilson, Elizabeth Black, Margaret Marshall, Sarah Wilgar, Mat McIlroy', Alexander Black, William Walsh. Second row - Joseph McKeown, Howard Graham, Oven Pilson, David Marshall, William Hill, James Davison, Robert Dorman, Hans Ferguson. Front row - James McIlroy, Thomas McKeown, David Davison, Robert Marshall, John Watson, Harper Calvert, Fred Davis. Back row - Miss Maxwell, Margaret Marshall, Maureen Maxwell, Elsie Calvert. Jean Everard, Ellen Jane Dorman, Mary McKeown, Jean Porter. Front row - Nellie Wilgar; Evelyn Magowan, Beatrice Blab; Ethel Dorman, Shelia Caves, Back row - John McIlroy, Stanley McIlroy, Jack Wilgar, William Rutherford, Dennis Marshall, Robert Ruthertord, David Alexander, George Shaw, James Macauley, Hugh Murray, Mr. Todd, Third row - Anna Wilgar, Rea Dormant, Lula Wallace, Bessie Murray, Doris Russell, Lottie Cairnduff, Jean Macauley, Maud Walsh, Molly Coulter, Ellie Porter, Ella Pedlow. Second row - May Wallace, Evelyn Linton, Miriam Linton, Marian Cairnduff, Essie Cairnduff May Kernaghan, Maud Wilgar, Elizabeth Alexander, Wbinie Dorman, Annie Coulter, Adelaide McKeown, Maureen Walsh. Front row - James Swan, William Wilgar, Adam Marshall, Arnold Wallace, Victor Doggart, Roland Shaw, Front row - Adam Marshall, Tom McCormack, Edward Moreland, Gerald McKeown, Arnold Wallace, Spence Coulter, Eric Patterson. Second row - Marion Cairnduff; May Lemon, Thomas Dorman, Samuel Dorman, Desmond Cairnduff, Bill Patterson, Harry Pinkerton, Tom McKeown, William Macauley, Bill y Patterson. Third row - May Kernaghan, Maud Wilgar, May Taylor Jean Foster, Etta Crawford, Myrtle Pinkerton, Edna Crawford, Irene McCormack. Fourth row - Meta Burton, Grace Brown, Emmie Patterson, Evelyn Linton, Elizabeth Alexander, Winnie Dorman, Violet Davis, Anne Coulter, Mr. Morrison. Back row - Bill Wilgar, Albert Doggart, Campbell McCorrnack, Sydneyl Cairnduff, James Swan, Stanley McIlroy, Maureen Walsh, Hazel Miskellv. Back row -loseph Rea, Norman Glenn, James Shoot, Alister Marshall, David Corrv, Leslie Glenn, Harry McKnight, Gerald Neill, Desmond Jackson, Brian Hume, Clarence Davison, William Wright. Third row - Margaret Bowen, Ann Dorman, Oonah Smyth, Pearl Moore, Margaret Wilson, Edna Patterson, Hetti McMillan, Margaret Megahey, Jean Huddleston, Jean Davis, Edna McKnight, Mary Coates.Second row - Muriel Patterson, Margaret Hamilton, Jennifer- White, Ester Davis, Mrs, Bell, Eleanor Patterson, Denise Smyth, Elizabeth Campbell, Muriel Connor Front row - Roy Davis, James Drennan, Margaret McCormack, Denise Shorn, Anna Wilgar; Uel Patterson, Derek Rea. Back row - Trevor Campbell, Jolm Brannan, Ronald Gray, Sydney Glenn, Clement Sulfern, Raymond Davidson, Edwin Bell, Bertie Dorman, Trevor Patterson, Sydney Moore, Stanley Davis. Second row - Robert Gregory, Trevor Ritchie, Margaret Davidson, Davida Lyons, Val Drennan, Florence Drennan, Sally White, Martha Campbell, Bill Patterson, Ivan Davis. Third row - James McCullough, Olive Lyons, Myrtle Coates, Joan Lavery, Ann Beers, Helen McReynolds, Mr Purdy, Mary Kernaghan, Shirley McIlroy, Agnes Suffern, Deborah Brannigan, Norman Glenn. Front row - James Hamilton, David McCoosh, Frank Hume, Clifford Rea, Leslie McCarroll, Rodney Smyth, Walter McCoosh, Eric Jackson, Robert Glenn, Back row- Tom Rea, Jackie Coates, James Kernaghan, Denis Patterson, Samuel Glenn, Alfred Crangle, Cecil Dorman, Brian Rea, Ma ynard Rea, Ernest Patterson,
Third row - Colin Smyth, Joan Lowry, Elizabeth Rea, Bell McCoosh, Elizabeth Bradshaw, Anna Bell, Etia Patterson, Hazel Lyons, Ester White, Iris Jackson, Ma y McCoosh, Thomas Craig,
Second row - Mervyn Waterworth, Florence Glenn, June Rea, Evelyn Hume, Beryl Smith, Mr. Currie, Joan Davis, Evelyn Alison, Evelyn Campbell, Ellen Gilmour James Moore.
Front row - Stanley Crawford, Ernest Hunter Stanley Jackson, Frank Dodds, Ronald Lilburn, Gordon Coates, Back row - Rodney Dormant, Robert Gilliland, Gilmore Rea, Dorothy McCormack, Beth Doherty, Sandra Stewart, Kenneth Goodfellow, Ray Walsh, Mr: Currie, Middle row - Richard Spence, Thomas McCormack, Maurice Dickson, Martin Houston, David Mercer; Margaret Crawford, Anne Burton, Dorothy Wright, Gloria McKee. Front row - Alec Swan, Drew Walsh, Paul Allison, lan Mcculla, Patricia Carson, Rosemary Adams, Richard Gibson, Karen Smith, Teachers from left, Mr. Herbie Currie, Mrs. Hester Currie, Mrs, Pauline Wilson, Mrs, Mabel Bell, Front row - Lionel Smith, Stephen Crawford, Nigel Lockhart, Glynis Robinson, Ian McCoosh, Glenn Alison, Linda Patterson, Lorraine Hunter, Karen Greer, Gail Jackson, Marcia Bradley, James Law, Lee Gilmore, Darren Hamilton, Ian Hamilton.
Second row - Alison Smith, David Edgar; Gillian Lyons, Jonathan MacDonald, Keith Trimble, Ashley McCullo, Jason Rankin, Jonathan McCoy, Claire Sinnerton, Steven Kirkwood, Gareth Rendal, Stephen Clarke, Caroline Gordon, Thomas Macauley.
Third row - Mr; Maurice Wright, Stephen McKinley. Andrew Jackson, Ernest Hunter. Julie Ann Clulow, David Bell, Jennifer Lorimer, Lorraine Mussey, Barry, Davis, Paul Lappin, Gars Clulow, Emma Wellwood, Raymond Marshall, Jonathan Finlay, Mrs. Mabel Bell, Fourth row - Mrs. Sharon Shields, Craig Lappin, Iris Gibson, Nigel Trimble, Sarah McCoy, Andrea McCoosh, Heather Copeland. Ian McKnight, Christine Anderson, Timothy Ronkin, Denise Lilley, Emma Mercer, Julie Anslev, Karen Anderson.
Sketch of the Session House in which the first school was held.
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