The Church of Ireland � Diocese of Connor
The Parish of Christ Church Lisburn
The Right Reverend R.
C. H. Elliott, D.D.
Lord Bishop of
25th JANUARY, 1964
Parish of Christ Church Lisburn
![Rev. A. NOBLE, M.A. Rector](st-pauls-images/st-pauls-12_small.jpg)
Rector Rev. A. NOBLE, M.A.
Curate Assistant |
Curate in Charge of St. Paul's |
Rev. K. W. COCHRANE, M.A. |
Select Vestry |
St. Paul's Committee |
F. MOORE, B.Sc. |
(Churchwarden) |
(Wardens) |
W. GAMBLE, Ph. |
T. R. HALL, B.E.M. Hon. Secretary |
G. DOOLEY Hon. Secretary |
A. E. HUNTER Hon. Treasurer |
J. GRAY Hon. Treasurer |
Organist |
Organist |
Church Extension Collection Supervisors |
A. E. HUNTER (Hon. Treasurer). J. LAPPIN, F. MOORE. B.Sc. |
(Assistant Hon. Treasurer). W. J. WARING, B.Sc. |
Extracts from Christ Church Parish Magazine
October, 1959�"The members of our Congregation will be interested to know that we have purchased the house known as
"Glenbank" together with 1� acres of ground at the junction of the Moira and Ballinderry Roads with a view to Church Extension in that area ... No plans regarding the use of the site have yet been made but the possibility is the erection of a Church Hall to meet the need of that growing district. The purchase price �3,750 is considered reasonable ..."
November, 1959�"At a special meeting of the Select Vestry held on November 17, it was unanimously decided that we must accept our responsibilities for Church Extension wholeheartedly and
go forward in co-operation with the Diocesan and General Synod Church Extension Committees to build a. Church or Church Hall on our new site."
April, 1960�"Church Extension Appeal : At a recent meeting of the Select Vestry definite plans for the launching of the scheme were made ... preparation is going forward in arranging collectors and supervisors for the various districts and their work will begin at once after the service on April 3rd."
September, 1960�"In the near future the Select Vestry will be considering plans for the new Church."
October, 1960�"Monday, 26th September, was an outstanding day in the history of our Parish and Diocese. In the afternoon Bishops, Synodsmen and Diocesan Clergy toured the districts where church extension is needed. After tea in the Nicholson School a party of 60 visited the site of our new church and further inspected the whole area. There followed a meeting of the Synod in the Clarence Place Hall, Belfast, when a new appeal for �50,000 for Church extension was launched."
December, 1960�Retirement of Chancellor C. J. McLeod as Rector from 31st December, 1960.
February, 1961� Institution of Rev. A. Noble, M.A., as Rector
of Christ Church on 11th February, 1961.
April, 1961�"Plans for the new church ... are now in course of preparation and it it is hoped in the immediate future to have on view a model of the Church which is to be erected on this fine site."
June, 1961�"To mark the end of the first year's collection for Church Extension in the Parish a meeting of supervisors, collectors, members of Select Vestry and others was held in the Nicholson Memorial School. The Rector announced that the total amount. collected during the year was almost �4,700."
December, 1961� "At itsarocure temporary Parochial Halls to be erected on the Glenbank site adjacent to the plot reserved for the new church."
February, 1962�"The task of erecting the temporary halls .. . is now under way."
March, 1962� "Appointment of Rev. N. L. White, M.A., as
Rector of St. Silas'. Belfast ... appointment of Rev. K. W. Cochrane, M.A., to take charge of new district as from 1st May." "Plans for the new church have now been passed."
June, 1962�"Night by night an able and willing band of workers gather together and, armed with paint brushes and endless tins of paint, they set to work to give the halls a new look."
July, 1962�"The Sanctuary has been built and furnishings for this have been given to us from the Church of the Epiphany, Finaghy."
October, 1962�"A. fine day, a church hall packed to overflowing and an inspiring service marked the opening and dedication on Saturday, 8th September, of the temporary Church Halls. The Lord Bishop dedicated the Halls and also a number of gifts presented by parishioners."
December, 1962�"On Saturday, 10th November, the foundation stone was laid for the new church of St. Paul ... by Mr. Robert Boomer in the presence of the Lord Bishop (Rt. Rev. R. C. H. Elliott, D.D.)."
"The following articles have been placed in a sealed box alongside the foundation stone
- A Parchment Scroll with inscription recording the ceremony.
- The November Parish Magazine.
- The Annual Report and Church Accounts for 1961.
- Eight coins of the Realm bearing the date 1962, kindly supplied by the Ulster Bank Ltd., Lisburn.
- The following newspapers dated 10th November, 1962 : "The Lisburn Herald," "The Ulster Star," "The Belfast Telegraph," "The Northern Whig," and "The Belfast News-Letter."
"It is intended that the new church of St. Paul will serve the Tonagh Estate, the Moira Road and the Ballinderry Road and the housing estates to be developed along, these two roads. This is the area provisionally approved as St. Paul's District."![](../derriaghy/derriaghy-images/top.gif)
Consecration of St. Paul's
Saturday, 25th January (Conversion of St. Paul) will be a day long to be remembered by the people of Christ Church and St. Paul's and by all who had the privilege of attending the consecration of the new church, of St. Paul. Although admission was by ticket, members of the congregation began to arrive an hour before the service was due to begin, and by 3 p.m. all were seated and ready for the great event to take place.
The stewarding of the car park and of the church was shared by members of Christ Church Vestry and St. Paul's Committee and everything to do with the service was carried out in an orderly and dignified manner. The weather was exceptionally kind for the time of year.
At 3 o'clock to the singing of the processional hymn. "Praise my soul the King of heaven," St. Paul's choir wearing their new robes (colour maroon) and augmented by members of Christ Church choir in their robes (colour dark blue) entered the church followed by about 40 visiting clergy. A guard of honour had been formed by the G.B. and C.L.B.
The Bishop's Procession then made its way to the main entrance to the church where the Bishop was received by the Rector (Rev. A. Noble, M.A. ), the curate-in-charge (Rev. K. W. Cochrane, M.A.), Christ Church Wardens Mr. F. 0. Moore, B.Sc., and Mr. J. Anderson (acting for Mr. J. Ward) and St. Paul's Wardens Mr. C. Shannon and Mr. F. Kerridge. Mr. J. Anderson in the absence of the People's Churchwarden (Mr. J. Ward) read the Petition signed by Rector and Churchwardens and by Parishioners in the new district, requesting the Bishop to consecrate the building for public worship. A circuit was then made of the exterior of the church by the following led by a choir of clergy singing Psalm 132 :�St. Paul's Wardens, Christ Church Churchwardens, then the Architect, Mr. Gordon McKnight. A.R.I.B.A.; the Building Contractor, Mr. George Best ; the Rector, the Curate-in-charge, the Rural Dean (Canon R. C. Ellis, M.A.), the Registrar (Rev. T. E. Beacom, B.D.), the Dean of Connor (Very Rev. R. Adams, B.D., Ph.D.), the Dean of Belfast (Very Rev. C. I. Peacocke, M.A.). the Archdeacon
(Ven. J. R. McDonald, M.A.), the Lord Bishop (Rt. Rev. R. C. H. Elliott, D.D.), Chaplain (Canon J. Mercer. M.A.), the Lord Primate (Most Rev. James McCann, Ph.D., D.D.), Chaplain (Canon J. C. Butler, M.A.).
Having returned to the main entrance of the church the Bishop knocked three times on the door saying, "Open me the gates of righteousness, that I may go into them and give thanks unto the Lord. Lift up your heads,
O ye gates and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors ; and the King of Glory shall come in."
The people from within then said with a loud voice, "Who is the King of Glory?" and the Bishop replied, "Even the Lord of Hosts he is the King of Glory."
Then the door was opened from within and the Bishop standing in the entrance said
"Peace be to this House from God our heavenly Father, Peace be to this House from His Son, who is our Peace,
Peace be to this House from the Holy Ghost, the comforter."
The Bishop and those attending. him then entered the church to the singing of Psalm 24, and proceeded with the Service of Consecration. It was a most impressive service and the very eloquent sermon preached by the Lord Primate was both challenging and inspiring.
The new organist, Mrs. Willoughby, and her united choir acquitted themselves very creditably indeed. The collection at the service which was for the Church Building Fund, amounted to �184.6s .6d.
The Reception
After the Service of Consecration the visitors and the church extension workers were entertained to tea in the Church Halls.
The Rector, who presided, welcomed all present and said how thankful they were that their efforts had reached a successful conclusion in the Erection and Consecration of the fine new Church of St. Paul. He described how Christ Church had been built as a daughter church to the Cathedral in 1842 and now St. Paul's had been opened as a daughter church to Christ Church in 1964. He paid tribute to the Parishioners of Christ Church and St. Paul's, who in just over 3� years had raised the sum of �17,660 towards the building of the new church. He expressed thanks to the R.C.B. for an interest-free loan of � 17.500 and to the Diocesan Church Extension Committee for a grant of �5,000. The Chairman told how the Church Halls had been acquired with the help of the Army and how they had been renovated by voluntary labour saving the church many hundreds of pounds.
He welcomed Canon C. J. McLeod former Rector and two former curates who had taken part in church extension�the Rev. E. H.
Gough, who had helped to launch the weekly collection scheme, and the Rev. N. L. White whose idea it had been to use Army huts as Parochial Halls. He paid a warm tribute to the Rev. K. W. Cochrane, the curate-in-charge, who had gathered round him a willing band of workers and under whose leadership the congregation had been built up into a flourishing condition.
Among those present were Sir Ivan and Lady Ewart, the Attorney-General (Dr. Brian Maginess) and Mrs. Maginess, Mr. Brian McConnell, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health and Local Government, and Mrs. McConnell, Mr. James Howard, Chairman of Lisburn Urban Council, and other members and officials of the Council ; the architect, Mr. Gordon McKnight, and the building contractor, Mr. George Best.
Mr. T. R. Hall (Hon. Secretary, Christ Church Vestry) read the apologies. Others who spoke at the reception were The Lord Primate. The Lord Bishop, Sir Ivan Ewart, Bart. (representing Lisburn Cathedral, the Diocesan Council and the Church Extension Committee), the Rev. H. Cromie, M.A., Railway Street Presbyterian Church (representing the sister churches). Mr. F. O. Moore, B.Sc., Christ Church ; Mr. J. Gray, St. Paul's and the Rev K. W. Cochrane, M.A.
The Primate Praises Christ Church
The Primate commended the vision of those who thought of building St. Paul's Church, and thanked God for the unselfishness and devotion of the people of Christ Church Parish. He felt that they were determined "to continue this work until all be fulfilled," and he hoped that "this House of God may be a centre of inspiration, light and power."
Very good coverage of the completion of the church and of the consecration service was given by the B.B.C., U.T.V., the "Belfast Telegraph," the Belfast "News Letter," the "Church of Ireland Gazette," the "Lisburn Herald" and the "Ulster Star."
We express our thanks to the Press, the B.B.C. and the U.T.V. for their helpful co-operation.
Services Following the Consecration
SUNDAY, 26th January Septugesima
11.30 a.m.�Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Preacher : The Lord Bishop of Connor.
3 p.m. Children's Service. Dedication of C.L.B. and G.B. Colours.
6.30 p.m.�Evening Prayer.
Preacher : The Lord Bishop of Down and Dromore.
MONDAY, 27th January
8 p.m.�Service for Men.
Preacher : The Rev. N. L. White. M.A.
TUESDAY, 28th January
8 p.m. Service for Women.
Preacher : The Rev. Canon J. Mercer, M.A.
WEDNESDAY, 29th January
8 p.m.�Service for Youth.
Preacher : The Rev. J. R. Hall. M.A.
THURSDAY, 30th January
8 p.m.�Church Extension Workers' Service. Preacher : The Rev. E. H. Gough, M.A.
FRIDAY, 31st January
8 p.m.�Missionary Service.
Preacher : The Rev. Canon A. McKelvie, M.A.
SUNDAY, 2nd February
11.30 a.m.�Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Preacher : The Very Rev. the Dean of Connor.
6.30 p.m.�Evening Prayer.
Preacher :The Rev. Canon J. C. Butler, M.A.
SUNDAY, 9th February
9 a.m.�Holy Communion. 11.30 a.m.�Morning Prayer.
Preacher : The Rev. K. W. Cochrane, M.A.
6.30 p.m.�Evening Prayer.
Preacher : The Rev. A. Noble, M.A.
The new Church of Saint Paul is situated on an excellent site at the junction of Moira Road and Ballinderry Road, Lisburn. The cost of the church is approximately �40,000. It has seating accommodation for a congregation
of 500.
Externally the church is of Coalisland buff rustic brick. The main roof is finished with green Westmorland slates. The tower roof and lower circular roof are finished in copper. The tower houses a bell dated 1747 which is a gift from St. Mary's Chapel of Ease, Dublin, now closed.
A road widening scheme on either side of the church will provide new boundary walls at a future date. but in the meantime the existing hedges will remain.
The plan of the church is traditional, although the entrance vestibule is larger than normal. This is entered from the main entrance parch and provides ample space for people to converse with their friends before or after the service. It also provides cloakroom space and toilets.
The gallery is immediately over the vestibule and has seating for 100. An attractive feature of the vestibule is the gilded wrought iron screen through which the interior of the church can be seen.
The Nave, which has pews for seating, has a centre and two side aisles. The side aisles pass through the very wide piers, which also form baffles for the windows, giving an effect of concealing lighting to the Nave, both during daylight and at night.
The floor is finished in polished oak block. The walls are finished with a slightly rough texture, all painted off-white. The ceiling has oak beams, with accoustic board between.
The Chancel has choir stalls to seat 45, two prayer desks and pulpit, all finished in oak. The font is of polished Mourne granite.
The floor of the Chancel and Sanctuary is polished Italian Botticino marble, with a crimson carpet leading up to the Holy Table.
The walls of the Sanctuary are lined with oak panelling seven feet high and above they are covered with a rich red and gold tapestry-like wall covering. The ceiling is composed of long shaped coffers, which give an interesting effect when illuminated.
On one side of the Chancel is the Vestry, with dressing room and toilet, and on the other side the choir room. A new pipe organ has been installed.
The heating of the church is by an oil fired boiler with heating convectors built into the walls.
The church and furnishings were designed by Mr. Gordon McKnight, A.R.I.B.A., architect, 23 University Street. Belfast, 7. the quantity surveyors were Messrs. W. H. Stephens and Sons. 13 Donegall Square North, Belfast, and the contractors, Messrs. Best Bros. Ltd.. 6 Quay Street, Lisburn.
The Future
Since its consecration on January 25, 1964, St. Paul's has gone from strength to strength.
The morning congregation is now in the region of 360 and the evening congregation 200.
The number of communicants is proportionately high.
All organisations are in a flourishing condition and the Rev. K. W. Cochrane has rallied round him a most willing and loyal band of workers.
With the steady increase in the erection of new houses the membership of the Church is growing week by week, and it will not be many years before St. Paul's will be strong enough to become an independent Parochial Unit.
In the meantime there is still a large debt to be cleared off on the new Church. While the building cost approximately �40,000 there has also been the cost of the site, the organ and the furnishings, as well as the cost of erecting and equipping the Church Halls nearby. The new church will need the help of the mother church for some time yet and it is essential that efforts should not be relaxed until the task is completed. At the time of going to press the Parish of Christ Church (including St. Paul's District) has raised the sum of �18,674 for the building of the new church. This achievement is largely due to the devoted services of our Church Extension Collectors and Supervisors. It is hoped that they will continue their good work and that the Parishioners will not weary in well doing.
"0 Lord God, when Thou givest to Thy servants to endeavour any great matter, grant us also to know that it is not the beginning but the continuing of the same, until it be thoroughly be finished, which yieldeth the true glory ; through Him that for the finishing of Thy work laid down His life, our Redeemer Jesus Christ." (Sir Francis Drake. A.D.1541.)
Services and Meetings in St. Paul's
Sunday : |
Holy Communion |
1st Sunday-11.30 a.m. |
2nd and 4th Sunday-9 a.m. |
3rd Sunday 6.30 p.m. |
Holy Baptism ... |
By appointment. |
Morning Prayer |
11.30 a.m. |
Evening Prayer |
6.30 p.m. |
Sunday Schools |
10 a.m. and 3 p.m. |
Monday .. |
Mothers' Union. Junior Table Tennis.
Indoor Bowls. |
Tuesday ... |
Ladies' Bowls. Men's Fellowship. Table
Tennis. |
Wednesday ...
Choir. |
Thursday ...
Church Lads' Brigade. |
Friday ...
Girls' Brigade. |
Saturday ...
Table Tennis. |
Holy Table ... |
The Staff of Messrs. Best Bros. |
Frontal (White) ... |
St. Paul's G.B. |
Frontal (Red) ... |
The Newell Bequest |
Holy Communion Set ... |
Mrs. O. E. Bailie |
Holy Communion Linen ... |
Mrs. O. E. Bailie |
Credence Table ... |
Mrs. A. J. Mortimer |
Brass Flower Vase ... |
Mr. T. Coates |
Chair ... |
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dooley |
" |
Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullan |
Kneeling Desk ... |
The Rev. A. Noble, M.A. |
H. C. Office Book and H. B. ...
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beckett |
Communion Rails ... |
Mr. J. Gray |
Cushion Kneeler at Rails ...
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Higginson |
Book Markers ... |
St. Paul's Bible Class |
Carpet ... |
St. Paul's Men's Fellowship |
H. C. Office Book ... |
Canon A. McKelvie, M.A. |
Lectern ... |
Mr. A. Benson |
Pulpit Fall (White) ... |
Mr. and Mrs. A. Higginson |
Pulpit Fall (Red) ... |
Mrs. A. Mitchell |
Prayer Desk ... |
St. Paul's M.U. |
Prayer Desk ... |
St. Paul's C.L.B. |
Service Books for Prayer Desk ... |
St. Paul's C.L.B. |
Book Markers ... |
Bible Class |
Choir Stalls ... |
Mr. G. Best |
Two Hymn Boards ... |
Mr. C. E. Connelly |
Six Collection Plates ... |
Mr. R. Boomer |
Two Collection Plates ... |
Mrs. Craig |
Baptismal Font ... |
Mr. G. McKnight. A.R.I.B.A. |
Holy Bible ... |
Mrs. Graham |
Font Ewer |
St. Paul's Sunday School Children |
Wardens Wands |
Brian and Pearl. McMinn |
Vestry Table ... |
St. Paul's Committee |
Electric Clock ... |
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly |
Curtains, Fittings, Etc. ...
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ginn |
Curtains, Fittings, Etc. ...
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ginn |
Robing Cupboard ... |
St. Paul's Choir |
Choir Robes |
St. Paul's Choir |
Mirror ... |
Mr. and Mrs. S. Culbert |
" |
Mr. F. Kerridge (Jr.) |
Table ... |
Mr. J. Allen |
Clock ... |
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher |
Press for Hymn Books ... |
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wadsworth |
Press for Hymn Books ... |
Christ Church Old Boys' Association |
Two Notice Boards ... |
Christ Church Old Boys' Association |
Two Tables ... |
Miss D. Benson and Miss M. Odgers |
Hymn and Prayer Books ... |
Miss S. Little |
CHURCH NOTICE BOARD ... Messrs. E. McCarter & Sons Ltd.
CHURCH BELL�St. Mary's Chapel of Ease, Dublin
Mr. A. Mitchell |
Mrs. A. McCurdy and Mrs. Dickson |
Mr. E. Hamill |
Miss L. McKee |
Blaris L.O.L. 128 |
Miss A. Lorimer |
Mr. J. McKee |
Mrs. Wymer |
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns |
Miss E. McCluskey |
Mr. and Mrs. S. Culbert. |
Mrs. Platt |
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Beckett
Mrs. Reilly |
Mrs. and Late Mr. W. H. Stevenson
Mrs. McNickle |
Mrs. Crighton |
Mrs. Dummigan |
The Late Miss Jane E. Bingham, 5 Warren View ... ...
�380 |
The Late Mr. George Heaney, 6 Wesley Street ...
�68 |
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