AFTER much trouble and exertion, and after surmounting many difficulties and disappointments, (not now necessary to explain) the Author has the great satisfaction of presenting to the inhabitants a work on the Town of Lisburn, which, for quantity of interesting matter, and correctness of information, he (without vanity) humbly submits, is superior to any which has been hitherto published.

It is not without diffidence that this little volume is laid before an intelligent public; but as it is his first, and shall certainly be his last intrusion, he hopes to meet indulgence; at all events, to escape the penalty of severe censure. Those of the little tribe, vulgarly denominated CRICKETS, who quibble and, nibble at every line, would do well to remember, that it is not quite so easy to write a book as to read one. The fraternity of higher bred critics, it is expected, will be lenient with the production of one whose age is on the youthful side, and whose health, means, and time, allow him very few opportunities of worshipping at the shrine of Literature. The depressing circumstances under which any work is written, should always mitigate the rigor of criticism. Ovid at home, and Ovid in exile, wrote very differently. This volume was produced under many disadvantages. Scarcely a page of the earlier part but was penned by night, after the labor and fatigue of the Author's daily avocation. * WHATEVER WAY BE THE RECEPTION OF THE WORK, THE TOWN AND COUNTRY ATTEMPTED TO BE DESCRIBED ARE NOT DEFICIENT IN MATERIALS FOR SUCH AN UNDERTAKING, OR FOR ONE ON A LARGER SCALE.

To all his Subscribers, and to those friends who exerted themselves in promoting its circulation, the Author returns his most sincere, most heartfelt thanks, but particularly to those professional gentlemen in Dublin, Roscommon, &c. who have, as a personal favor, taken copies of a work so local and exclusive in its nature. Being for a long time a stranger to " Kindness, Encouragement, and Co." the present obligations are the more enhanced and appreciated. And most truly grateful does he feel for the kind manner in which some senior members of the legal profession have expressed a gratification at the literary attempts, and a desire to encourage the child of one (now no more) who, for upwards of forty years, practised in the same courts with themselves, and who, during a long and busy life, filled several stations of honor and trust with credit and approbation.


H. B.

LISBURN, 2d March, 1834.  

* The Law was not considered by Hume as the best element for fostering and improving a taste or talent for the beauties of Literature. To the poet it would not be very charming, if after the line-" There was a sound of revelry by night," came the exquisite, "To have and to hold" in darkness and light !

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