teacher Elaine Getty left Lisburn this week to work at a boarding school in
Elaine will teach French at Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya which is attended by the children of missionaries.
This will be her second stint at school where she spent two years teaching French and Maths from 2004-2006. She is currently completing her studies at Belfast Bible College.
Up to 500 children from 20 different nations attend Rift Valley Academy. It is home to 6-19 year olds from over 20 nations.
Their parents work in North, Central, East and Southern Africa in evangelism, church planting, medical care and so on. As they serve Africa's churches the staff at RVA support them by educating and taking care of their children.
Elaine, a member of Elmwood Presbyterian Church, left Lisburn on August 21 to get settled in before the start of term a week later.
She said: "I'm really excited about this opportunity to go back to Kenya. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with staff and students I knew before, getting back into teaching, and learning to apply a lot of the stuff Tve learnt at college in the context of RVA. RVA is a fantastic place and it's a priviIege and a lot of fun to work there."
Ulster Star