LISBURN woman Gillian Ferguson is to be installed as Irish Christian Endeavour Union
President next month at the 96th Irish National Christian Endeavour
Convention on Friday September 17 and Saturday 18 at Fivemiletown Methodist
The daughter of the Revd. Aian Ferguson, a past President of the Methodist Church in Ireland and his wife Joan, who are from Lisburn, Gillian, the eldest in a family of two boys and two girls, was born there too.
Educated at Methodist College, Belfast and Enniskillen Collegiate School, she graduated from Stranmillis University College and works in youth and family work in the Lisburn area.
Gillian has been deeply involved in the CE Movement for most of her life joining Finaghy Juniors at seven.
Gillian, who has just announced her engagement to Adrian Thompson of Ballywalter, will have a very busy year ahead as she chairs meetings, visits Societies North and South and attends the many other duties required of her position.
She recently served as President of the East Antrim Union and is Recording Secretary of the Irish C.E. Union and as such is a member of every committee there is at Irish level.
She served as Young People's Convener on the Enniskillen Union where she was
actively involved in organizing the last Irish C.E. Union Convention hosted
there and contributed much to its success.
While living in Enniskillen, she was an active member of Letterbreen Young
People's Society, later becoming one of its leaders.
Gillian has attended the last World C.E. Union Convention held in 2006 in Hungary and the European Youth Convention held there last year. She has been involved twice in the leadership of English speaking Youth Camps in Hungary.
Gillian is also a member of the Church Council in Carrickfergus Methodist Church and Sunday School teacher.
The theme of this year's Convention will be 'One God, One Family' and all ages are encouraged to go to the evening rallies on Friday at 8.00pm and on Saturday at 7.30pm when Gillian will ne installed as Irish Union President in succession to Paul Nesbitt, Glengormley.
The special speaker at her Installation Service will be the Rev Paul Ritchie, Richhill.
Ulster Star