THE Annual General Meeting of Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church took place
in the Alec Watson Hall following the evening service on Sunday March 21.
The Moderator, Rev. David Knox, constituted the meeting with prayer and
welcomed all present. The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting,
held on March 15 2009, were read by the Clerk of Session, Mr Derek
Alexander, agreed and signed by the Moderator.
The following reports relating to 2009 were presented for the approval of the meeting: The Kirk Session Report presented by the Clerk of Session, Mr Derek Alexander, the Church Committee Report presented by the Secretary, Mr Nigel Wilson and the Financial Report presented by the Treasurer, Mr Walter Carruthers
The meeting approved the adoption of the reports, all of which will be published in the Harbinger in due course.
Mr Knox thanked all present for supporting him and his family throughout the past year, not only through their prayers but also through being at church and through their various kindnesses. There had been many encouragements in the year that had just passed. A lot of sterling work had been carried out by the office bearers, the Kirk Session and the Committee. The Sunday Schools, both morning and afternoon, had strong leadership, as had Flame, the Base and the uniformed organisations. The Choir, under the leadership of Mrs Jinhyeog Glissmann, now assisted by Nicholas Trimble, has continued to inspire worship in Harmony Hill. Having said farewell to Rev. Clarke Deering and Emily Wilson, Mr Knox said how happy he was to welcome Mrs Helen Freeburn, Student Assistant Minister and Rob Vaughn, a volunteer from the Presbyterian Church, USA.
The business of the AGM was followed by an uplifting musical programme including solos from Mrs Glissmann, accompanied by Mrs Olive Donnellan, and items from the choir, again under the leadership of Mrs Glissmann and Nicholas Trimble. An excellent supper brought a successful evening to a close.
Ulster Star