LISBURN teenager is looking forward to spending her gap year in the USA with
a Christian organisation called the Pais Project.
Holly Neill, I7, an Upper Sixth pupil at Wallace High School, will either be working in Texas or Florida, but won't find out until she is placed on a team in June.
As a Pais apprentice Holly will be given the privilege of empowering young people to live full lives. This is done through teaching, mentoring, lunch clubs, workshops and most of all, the building of life-changing relationships.
Holly said: "I will be working as part of a team that serves the local community and schools, aiming to bridge the gap between them and the local church. I will also be working through an M4 program which is Pais' intentional structure for creating mission-minded students." Whilst all accommodation, training and food is provided, Holly needs to raise approximately £2,000 which does not include the cost of her visa and flights. If anyone would like to support her they should check out the Pais Project web- site (www.paisproject.com). Click on 'donate', then click on 'Give Now' below Friend:raising. Fill in the necessary details, including 'Pais:USA' as the department and 'Holly Neill' in the Friend:raising box.
Holly said: All support is much appreciated. Also, I'm having a fundraising social on Saturday March 6. Doors open at 7.30 to start at 8pm. Seymour Street Methodist Chucrh, Lisburn. £5.. Everyone welcome."
Ulster Star