FRIDAY, December 17 is the deadline for the completion of the extensive
renovation scheme which commenced at St. Mark's Church on the Ballymacash
Road in mid July.
The Church, Parochial Hall, Side Chapel and ancillary rooms have all been re-roofed and re-decorated and a new gas-fired heating system installed throughout the whole suite of buildings. The renovation scheme has provided the opportunity to make welcome changes to the interior design of the Church itself with the removal of a low-level ceiling. It is anticipated that the new design by architect Paul Blamphin will greatly improve the acoustics and enhance the worship area in terms of appearance and atmosphere.
On Saturday December 18 the Parish is holding an 'Open Day' from 11am to 4pm when the entire suite of buildings will be open for the community to visit. Light refreshments will be served during the day and people will be welcome to move around at leisure.
St. Mark's congregation are looking forward with much excitement to using their Church for worship once again on Sunday December 19. Services that day will include the 9am Holy Communion followed by the All-age Service at loam, a Christingle Service at 11am and the Festival Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 7pm.
The special Re-hallowing Service will take place on Sunday January 23 at 11 am. The Bishop of Connor, The Right Rev. Alan Abernethy will preside at this Service and the preacher will be the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, the Most Rev. Alan Harper. Then in the afternoon at 3pm there will be a special Youth Service conducted by the staff of St. Mark's and the preacher will be the Rev. Simon Genoe, Curate Assistant at Lisburn Cathedral.
Ulster Star