The Chinwags group display a unique piece of
aboriginal art work which will be displayed at ATLAS in Sloan
Atlas (Adult Training Learning and Support) recently
facilitated the Chinwags Women�s group to create a unique work
of art with funding from Lisburn Partnership and are delighted
to announce the completion of this exciting multi-cultural arts
project. The distinctive piece of artwork recognises the
diversity of the members, who are all disabled and the worldwide
connections they have with family and friends. With this
concept in mind, they used their combined efforts to create a
multi-cultural work of art, which will be displayed at ATLAS in
Sloan Street.
One Chinwags member, Mrs Thelma Johnson stated, �I have been
associated with Atlas for quite a while now, and for them to
motivate people to create such a wonderful piece of work, such
as this, does not surprise me.�
Both Atlas and Chinwags would like to take this opportunity
to thank Lisburn North Community Association for hosting this
project, Disability Network for their support staff and N.ABLE
counselling for also supporting the group.