Miss UK and Miss
Northern Ireland Lucy Evangelista gives
Lisburn Mayor Councillor Jonathan Craig
a driving lesson in time for the
DeLorean Eurofest 2006. US19-705SP |
LISBURN Council is to host the Delorean.
International Anniversary Banquet at its Lagan Valley Island
headquarters later this. month.
The event is part of the Delorean Eurofest to
mark the 25th anniversary of the famous cal which was
manufactured at Derriaghy. The Civic Centre will also house a
week long exhibition of DeLorean memorabilia.
The Delorean Owners Association is supporting
this landmark occasion and over 7C of the gull winged cars from
across the globe are to roar in to Northern Ireland for what
promises to be the biggest ever gathering of DeLorean owners and
Visitors to the Ulster Folk and Transport
Museum can see the original Giugiaro wooden mockup and can take
guided tours of the factory where it all began. Fanatics can
also take a lap of the famous test track at the factory, or
enjoy a helicopter ride to view the Action from the skies.
Owners who bring their Delorean to Eurofest
206 will be given the chance to compete in the first ever
DeLorean World Autotest Championship at the Odyssey.
The Mayor, Councillor Jonathan Craig, said
was looking forward to the host of treats on offer over the
weekend May 25 to 28. "The Council is delighted to support the
event and to welcome enthusiasts from more than 14 countries to
celebrate the anniversary of this magnificent vehicle," he
added. "I would encourage people to come along and join in what
will be a most memorable occasion."
Registration details, further information and
a programme can be downloaded at