Members of the Ferguson Heritage Group at the recent
Harry Ferguson Lecture. The group have been raising
funds to enable the construction of a memorial to the
great man at the Ferguson Homestead, Growell. Pictured
left-to-right in the front row are Group Committee
members: Sam Law, Jim Dennison, Robert Kerr, George
Cromie, Eric Jess (Chairman of the Ferguson Heritage
Group) and Roy Poots. Behind them are (left-to-right):
David Poots and Andrew Dennison.
THE 12th Harry Ferguson annual lecture, which took place at
Lisburn Institute last Friday, was one of the best attended to
date with almost 150 enthusiasts travelling to the event from
all over the province.
organising committee were delighted with the high level of
support for the lecture which they believe helps keep Harry
Ferguson's name in the public eye.
The first speaker was Ivan Cowlen from Norfolk, who is employed
to restore and manage one of the biggest collections of vintage
tractor and machinery in existence.
The collection is owned by Mr. Paul Rackman and includes the
famous Moffitt collection of Ferguson only machinery.
Mr. Cowlen's presentation on dvd included a full account
commentary delivered as the audience sat fascinated by the
massive display of agricultural invention dating as far back as
Interval time offered supper and a chance to buy dvd/video and
other merchandise on Ferguson homestead events in the past
including the most recent, which took place in August.
The second speaker, Mr. Jack Woods from the Aviation Research
Group, gave a very comprehensive account and slide show of Harry
Ferguson in his aviation days nearly 100 years ago.
Mr. Woods and his colleagues take a great interest in Harry
Ferguson's work with aircraft and the audience were spellbound
by what he was saying.
A spokesperson for the Committee said they wished to thank
Institute Vice Principal Eleanor Ross and her staff for all
their help and assistance.
"We also want to thank all those who attended and our local
traders who sponsor us each year making this event possible," he
continued. 'At the end of the evening we produced the Pudsy Bear
bucket and raised �300 for Children in Need. "Those who want to
be on our mailing list or obtain Ferguson Homestead DVD/VIDEO
merchandise should call Bill on 92 692110.
Ulster Star