LIVING with a skin disorder can be
frustrating and irritating but raising awareness of the
condition only makes life easier.
With that in mind one Dromore woman is to
host a charity night, next Friday evening, to increase awareness
and hopefully raise some much needed funds for research.
Wendy Tate has a very rare skin disorder;
hers is one of only two known families in Ireland with the
Ichthyosis, pronounced eethyosis, is a
hereditary condition mainly passed in the female line.
Wendy likens it to having snakeskin as her
skin is constantly shedding and renewing.
"I have lived with this condition all of my
life and have learnt to manage it," she said. "With this
condition I have
seven layers of skin compared to the average
person. "My skin must be protected and I have to use pure
glycerine syrup to keep it moisturised."
Wendy hopes that by raising awareness of the
condition and other skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis,
young children will be spared the cruel taunts she experienced.
"It can be very difficult for young children,
and I hope the youth of today can be educated that such skin
conditions are not infectious," she said.
"At school it can be very difficult to face
such fears, that no-one will hold your hand during gym class."
Wendy inherited the condition from her mother
Beverly McClearan.
Beverly's mother Madge Cunningham passed the
condition on to her two daughters Beverly and Naomi McCarten.
This is the normal pattern of inheritance,
however in Naomi's children the condition had transferred. Her
son Alexander has icthyosis but her daughter, Kelly, does not.
It is only in the last 25 years that research into this
condition has progressed and it can now thought to have
originated in Japan.
However the research is ongoing but the
latest treatment breakthrough, using retenoids, has two many
side effects to prove effective.
"There are many people living with serious
skin disorders, and they are a growing problem affecting most
families," said Wendy. "My hope is that through continued
research more effective creams and treatments will become
available in my lifetime."
Skin Deep promises to be a wonderful evening of
fun and song, for a worthy cause. The Cowpats will be performing
at The Ranch and a fun table quiz by compere Dee will be open to
Tickets are priced �4 and are available from
Helen McFadden at The Wellington House, supper will also be
served on the night, Friday June 2 at 8pm.
Looking forward to their 'Skin Deep' fundraising
evening are Alexander McCartan, Naomi McCartan, Wendy Tate,
Beverley McClearn and Irene Coburn. US21-302SM