Andrew McRoberts from Ballinderry,
Lisburn, who is a member of Glenavy and District Vintage
Club, with his 1962 Fordson Dexta and 1964 Fordson Super
Dexta. The Dexta has been owned by the McRoberts family
from new, while the Super Dexta was purchased in 1999.
Both tractors have been restored to immaculate
BAD weather forced the Glenavy Vintage Club to
cancel their June Rally, and they have now organised a Charity
Road Run which will be held on Saturday October 29 at 12.00pm.
Owners with their tractors, lorries, cars and motor cycles will
be most welcome and are asked to assemble in Glenavy Church of
Ireland car park from 11.00am for a prompt start to the road run
at 12.00 noon. If you require further
information, please contact the Secretary of the Glenavy Vintage
Club - Mark Anderson. Telephone 07749 211 818