`She never uttered one word of bitterness or
self pity'

Sarah Barr who lost her battle with cancer
earlier this year.
MOIRA man Mike Barnett will be running harder
than ever when he takes on the Belfast Marathon on May 7, as he
will be taking part in memory of his beloved niece Sarah Barr
who sadly lost her three year long battle against cancer on
February 14 this year.
13-year-old Sarah was diagnosed with an
aggressive form of brain cancer three years ago and underwent a
delicate operation.
However not all of the tumour could be removed and the
surgery was only 95% successful.
The operation had a number of side effects on
Sarah, as her father Darren said in his eulogy: 'The disease and
the subsequent treatment had changed our little girl in so many
terrible ways. She had been temporarily paralysed; she got
permanent double vision; she temporarily lost the power of
speech and only regained it partially....she could no longer
run, skip, cycle or swim; she could not really sing or play her
beloved flute; the radiotherapy greatly reduced her IQ.....she
eventually lost her sight and was virtually unable to say a
single word. - In effect she had her childhood and dignity
stolen from her. And she never uttered one word of bitterness or
self pity in the three years.'
Mike and his son Jonathan, who live in Moira,
have run the marathon over the past few years and will once
again be taking up the challenge. "Losing Sarah was quite a
shock, even though we knew it was going to happen, so we are
hoping we can raise as much as possible," said Mike. "Previously
we ran for CLIC Sargent and this year we will run for CLIC
Sargent Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund
for Children, the two charities that have helped Darren and Judy
over the years."
He continued, "Sarah proved to be an
extremely strong and courageous child, definitely putting us
adults to shame, never complaining about anything. She touched
the hearts of people who never even knew her and she has left a
deep void in many hearts.
"This is the reason Jonathan and I have
decided to run the Marathon. We aim to raise awareness, but more
importantly funds, to enable these charities to carry on
providing the essential support services to young cancer
sufferers and their families.
"This will probably be the last year I run
the marathon, as it's getting harder, but I wanted to do it this
year as a memorial to Sarah. I will continue to raise funds for
charity, especially cancer charities. There are so many children
suffering this way, it's so sad." If you would like to sponsor
Mike and Jonathan's appeal then please contact
michael@barnettmichael.wanadoo.co.uk or telephone 9226 1732.

Mike and Jonathan who will be running the
Belfast Marathon in memory of Sarah.