Gaye Kerr with
her two sons Adam and Brian
enjoying their trip to Lapland
last week.
CHRISTMAS came early for five-year-old Brian
Kerr and his family last week when they visited Santa's
Brian, from Moira, who has Fanconi's Anaemia,
was treated to the magical trip to Lapland by the Shine A Light
charity, set up to help children with cancer in Northern
The magical break away was a dream come true
for the Kerr family who tragically lost Brian's twin sister
Helen in 2005.
Getting to experience the true magic of
Christmas, Brian, 6, and his 8-year-old brother Adam had a
fantastic time with their mother Gaye.
Meeting Santa and his elves and reindeers
made this trip more than just a holiday but something that will
be etched in their memories forever.
"I can't even describe it - unless you see it
for yourself you won't appreciate how magical it is," said Gaye.
"The boys said it was the best holiday they
have ever had in their life. Brian even described it as a once
in a life time trip."
Billy McCrory, who founded Shine A Light,
arranged the holiday. Gaye said he "went over and above the call
of duty".
She said: "We spent four nights and five full
days at Hotel Santa Claus and Billy arranged for us to visit the
Santa Park and Village.
The boys asked Santa what length his beard is
and Santa told them that it was one and a half times the
smallest elf in the world, which is the same size of Brian."
Gaye said Brian is doing great at the moment
and the family are really looking forward to Christmas.
"Life will never be the same without Helen
but she will always be in our memories. The boys helped choose a
special decoration in Lapland to bring hack and put on our tree
for Helen at home."
She continued: "I would really urge any
family with a child who has cancer to get in touch with the
Shine A Light charity as my family has benefited so much. Seeing
the boys' faces was priceless. No matter what happens no one can
take the memories away from us."
As a thank you the family gave a present to the trip
Gaye said: "We bought a silver tankard for Billy and it says
'To the man with a heart of gold," that is exactly what he is."
For more information on the charity please visit
Ulster Star