Ben Harden NDA, NDB
from Arklow who will be the guest
speaker at the September meeting of
Dromore Beekeepers' Association.
DROMORE Beekeepers' Association will be
holding its annual Honey show on Saturday September 1 in the Orr
Memorial Hall, Hillsborough in conjunction with the Hillsborough
Horticultural Society Autumn Flower Show.
The recent poor weather has seen a poor year
for local beekeepers. The good April weather gave bees a flying
start in 2007 with some delicious spring honey. Unfortunately
when the main summer plants like Clover and Blackberry were
flowering it rained and this will lead to a scarcity of local
honey this year.
In preparation for the annual show, the
August meeting of the Association took the form of a 'Mock Honey
show'. This event, which was held on Tuesday has proved useful
and enjoyable in previous years and has led to many more members
exhibiting in September. The Monthly meetings are held on the
third Tuesday of each month from August in Dromore High School,
(entrance round the back on the Dromore side). The September
meeting (18th), will be the AGM when Ben Harden from Arklow will
conduct the election of office bearers and speak on 'The
Practice of Varroa Management and Control.
The public will be admitted to the annual show on September 1
at 2pm. However, beekeepers wishing to exhibit should obtain a
schedule from Madeline McMullan, the show secretary on telephone
9263 8675.