L-R Gemma Burns (Youth and Education
Development Worker, Colin Neighbourhood Partnership),
Annette McCann (Families Development Worker, Colin
Neighbourhood Partnership), Marian McCann (NSPCC),
Michael George (Community Safety Development Worker,
Colin Neighbourhood Partnership), Kevin Madden (Sports
Development Worker, Lisburn City Council).
THE Colin Neighbourhood Partnership is
organising a Fun Run as part of F�ile 07 on Saturday August 11,
with the proceeds going to charity.
The 3.4 mile Fun Run will start at the Colin
Centre (Health Centre entrance) at 11am and continue on the
Stewartstown Road, Pantridge Road, Bell Steel Road, Stewartstown
Road, Lagmore Dale, Lagmore Drive, Lagmore Ave, Stewartstown
Road and back to the Colin Centre.
Gemma Burns, Youth and Education Community
Development Officer for Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
explained: "The Fun Run will finish at the back gates of the
Colin Centre where trophies will be awarded for those who finish
in First, Second and Third place, along with all other
participants receiving medals. The runners and their supporters
will also be entertained by a Fun Day at the Colin Centre
afterwards including activities such as inflatable 5 a side
football, bouncy castles, sumo wrestling, gladiator challenge
and face painting.
"Money raised at this event will be donated
to NSPCC Northern Ireland to help end cruelty to children.
Participants of the Fun Run can raise additional sponsorship for
this charity or a charity of their choice by obtaining
sponsorship forms from
Colin Neighbourhood Partnership." Kevin
Madden, Community Sports' Development Officer with Lisburn City
Council, who are sponsoring the prizes for the event added:
"Whether you are 'in it to win it', in it for the 'craic', or
just need a kick start to a new healthier lifestyle, you are
sure to benefit from this well organised event."
If you would like to support your community by taking part in
the Colin Fun Run contact Gemma at the Colin Neighbourhood
Partnership for registration and sponsorship forms on 9062 3813
or email gemma@newcolin.com.