Kenneth Brown, School
Governor, Elizabeth Dickson, Principal and
James Davidson, member of Lisburn
Preparative Meeting of The Society of
Friends, beside the sundial at Friends'
School, which was recently restored.
A SUNDIAL which dates back to the 18th century has been
restored at Friends' School. Last month the Society of Friends
presented the school with a gnomon - the part of a sundial that
casts the shadow - after the original item went missing.
Local philanthropist Forster Green gave the sundial to the
school in 1884 but the original cast is marked from a foundry in
Dublin, 1787.
Mr. James Davidson member of The Society of Friends said: "We
were only too delighted to replace the gnomon. which

A little girl beside the
sundial at Friends School in 1925. If you
recognise the child in the picture please
contact Jenny Monroe at the Star on 9267