Even bone marrow transplant can't stop a girl enjoying some
Easter egg
Georgia and her mum Debbie before the
FIVE-year-old Georgia Cocking and her family
will know next week if her body is accepting new bone marrow
which will help cure her rare condition - Chronic Myeloid
Georgia was able to enjoy an Easter Egg while undergoing a life
saving bone marrow transplant two weeks ago at Bristol Hospital.
And next week her family will know if has been a success. Three
months ago a world wide search to find a perfect bone marrow
match by the Anthony Nolan Trust ended in success in the USA.
And since her transplant a fortnight ago Georgia has been
surprising doctors with her remarkable recovery.
She had a slight setback on the day of her transplant when she
was sick after becoming upset she could not be with her brother
Liam who was waiting outside her isolation room.
But since then she has been astounding doctors with her
progress. Even the vigorous courses of chemotherapy,
radiotherapy and full body radiation have not got her down.
This week when her hair fell out she calmly told her mother she
wanted a hat with horses on it to cover her head.
"Nothing has bothered her," said mum Debbie. "Obviously she
would like to see her brother whom she misses but we are setting
up a web cam so she can make contact with him. Last Monday she
was down on herself but that was the affect of the drugs. She is
"She is the one that keeps us going with her smiles and
laughter. She really has helped us. If she is coping we can get
through anything. We are not out of the woods yet and we are
prepared to sit here in our little bubble until she gets
Debbie would like to thank everyone who has rung and texted her
and all the support she has received.
Ulster Star