The outgoing Mayor Councillor Trevor Lunn with
the Mayoress Mrs. Laureen Lunn.
LISBURN'S outgoing Mayor has said he hopes
the 'new spirit of goodwill and cooperation' which exists in
Northern Ireland does not by-pass the city.
Alliance Councillor Trevor Lunn, who handed
over his chain of office at the council's AGM on Thursday, said:
"As a council we should lead the way, not follow"..
Mr. Lunn said President Mary McAleese had
offered major encouragement on this front when she visited
Lisburn on Monday. "She spoke eloquently of her hopes for
Ireland North and South and it was good to see all parties
represented at the special council meeting,' he added. "This was
a unique event and a milestone for Lisburn." The Mayor also said
he had tried to promote the theme of respect for other cultures
and the ability to embrace diversity during his year in office.
"Lisburn is no different to other cities in
having to absorb increasing numbers of immigrants," he
"We should welcome them and learn from them -
not feel threatened.
"I have done my best through the Mayor's
office to reach out to all sections of our diverse society and
in particular have visited a large number of our local churches
of various denominations.
"We have been made welcome at every one of
The Mayor also looked back at two tragedies
which occurred during his time in office.
"We lost Councillors Michael Ferguson and
Stephen Moore to illness when both were in the prime of their
lives," he said.
"The council united in an expression of sympathy in a way
which gives me hope for the future as do developments at
The outgoing Mayor thanked council staff for
their hard work during his term of office.
He described the council as well run and said
it offered a full range of services efficiently despite the
city's rate being 'one of the lowest in Northern Ireland'.
He said it had been an honour to represent
Lisburn as its First Citizen and added both he and his wife
Laureen had enjoyed their duties which involved meeting so many
people and organisations in Lisburn and beyond.
Mr. Lunn said his chosen charity for the
year, the Parkinson's Disease Society, had enjoyed a successful
12 months
He offered it his congratulations and added:
"We all hope the mystery of what causes this dreadful affliction
will soon be solved.
The outgoing Mayor said these were' exciting
times' for Lisburn as announcement, were awaited about major
development at Sprucefield and Maze.
He said various hotel planning applications
were in the pipeline and he wished all the applicants success.
"Castle Gardens is nearing completion and we
will soon start work on Wallace Park. The Historic Quarter is
progressing well and the new Lisburn Institute construction will
be starting soon," he said.
"On behalf of myself and the Mayoress thank
you to everyone for making our year such an enjoyable and
personal experience. I wish the incoming Mayor every success."