John Daly chats to
Margaret McMahon before her performance
at the Mencap Rocks Concert
at the Culloden
Hotel sponsored by Coca Cola Bottlers
(Ulster) Ltd. Photo: Neal Dorman.
McMahon from Lisburn Senior Gateway Club displayed her musical
talent recently when she attended the Mencap Rocks Concert on
December 2.
The concert took place at the Culloden Hotel
when Margaret treated the 500-strong audience to a solo of the
festive favourite "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer."
Every year the Mencap concert delivers a
fabulous afternoon of family entertainment whilst highlighting
the outstanding talent that exists amongst people with a
learning disability in Northern Ireland.
As well as performances on stage, artistic
talent was also on display with the winning entries from the
Mencap Christmas Design Competition exhibited in the foyer. The
competition to design the poster and flier for the concert
attracted a record number of entrants from special schools from
throughout Northern Ireland.
Maire Campbell, Public
Affairs and Communications Manager from event sponsors Coca-Cola
Bottlers (Ulster) Ltd commented, "We have thoroughly enjoyed
being part of the Mencap Rocks Christmas Concert. This has
provided us with a unique
opportunity to support people with a learning
disability, enabling them to share their talents with the
public. A big congratulations to all of the stars, who have
clearly worked so hard to make this an unforgettable show "
Director of Mencap in Northern Ireland, Maureen Piggot was
also delighted, "It was wonderful to see so many friends from
local schools and groups joining us for another successful
Mencap Rocks Christmas concert."
Ulster Star