THREE former Wallace High School pupils, have received
confirmation of their places in the universities of Cambridge
and Oxford. Elaine Oliver, Jamie Humphries and Graeme Greenfield
are looking forward to going to university.
Oliver from Anahilt will read Languages in New Hall College,
Cambridge. She said: "I'm very excited about the new challenges
which lie ahead but I do know that I'll miss Wallace."
18-year-olds Graeme and Jamie are both
heading to Oxford, to read Medicine and Maths respectively.
Graeme from Moira said: "I decided to apply
to Oxford because of its outstanding reputation. I'm looking
forward to living in the
College throughout my course and hope it will become a home away
from home."
Lisburn teenager Jamie will join Jesus
College, Oxford. He commented: "I've loved my fourteen years at
Wallace and will take many happy memories away with me. I'm
looking forward to joining Christian Union in Jesus College and
would also like to take up Ultimate Frisbee."
Delighted Principal Mrs Anne McBride said: We
wish all our pupils well as they embark on this new stage in
their education."