New Hilden
Intergrated Primary School Principal
William Gourley pictured with
children in the school. US2307-112A0
THE new Principal taking over the reigns at
Hilden Integrated Primary is looking forward to reaching out and
embracing the local community.
Mr William Gourley will take up his post in
one of Lisburn's oldest schools this summer.
Having been Principal at Crossgar Primary
School for 16 years and a teacher at Legacurry for nine he is
excited to be joining Hilden.
"I would also like to see the school become a
focus in the wider community, reflect the community we live in
and provide a sound education experience for all children," said
Mr Gourley.
"It is an exciting challenge. My vision is to
continue with the view that each child will be valued and I will
endeavour to help the children reach their full potential."
Mr Gourley explained he intends to build upon
the current ethnic mix at the school. He said: "We already have
quite a mix of pupils and I hope to maintain and build upon
this. I also hope to provide a social centre for the parents who
do not have English: as their first language and help them with
different aspects of life."
The Principal said he believes the value of a
small school environment is intrinsic and permits children to
grow and develop into well rounded individuals.
"There is a feeling of community in small
schools. Barriers are broken down and children support each
other," he added. Terry Conway, Chairman of the school's Board
of Governors said: "Mr Gourley is an exponent of small schools.
He will add something that Hilden has been missing for some
while - a male role model."
Looking forward Mr Gourley said: "The school
has an excellent reputation and I am excited to be leading and
being part of the team."