Amy Buriney, Klan Zomorodian, Rea
Campbell, Jamie Baird, Louise Watson, Christina
Lenzi, Aaron Lyttle and Heather Vient (on ground)
prepare for Lisnagarvey Youth Society's production
of The Boy Friend, which will be staged at the
Island Hall on August 29 and 30. US3407-371DW by
Donnie Wright
SOME of Lisburn's most talented young people
will be taking to the stage of the Island Arts Centre on
Wednesday August 29 and Thursday August 30 for Lisnagarvey Youth
Society's annual production.
This year Lisnagarvey Youth Society are
staging The Boy Friend, a nostalgic and amusing musical comedy
written by Sandy Wilson.
It is carnival time in 1926 and the charming
young pupils of Mme Dubonnet's finishing school have only one
thought in their minds; to have a 'boy friend' - all except
Polly Browne (played by Jenna Green). She meets Tony (played by
Rea Campbell), a messenger boy, and they fall in love, but Polly
tells him she is poor, and is in fact Madame Dubonnet's
secretary. Polly's father, Percival Browne (Conor O'Neill),
comes to visit his daughter, and discovers to his dismay that
Madame Dubonnet (Louise Lemon) is the girl he had an affair with
on Armistice Night in 1918. Madame Dubonnet is as amorous as
ever but Percival is not so keen.
Hayley Spence plays the ever flirtatious
Dulcie and the successful duo of Laura Higginson and Aaron
Lyttle play 'Madcap' Maisie and Bobby Van Husen. Louise Watson,
Amy Burtney, Kian Zomorodian, Callum Curry and Jamie Baird play
the supporting roles, with Heather Vient as the fiery tempered,
but loveable maid, Hortense.
The whole story is set against the background of the froth
and fun of the Flapper period - full of foot tapping tunes and
light hearted dialogue.
The Boy Friend will be setting up its deckchairs in the
Island Hall on Wednesday August 29 and Thursday August 30 at
7.30pm. The show is being directed by Alison Green, with
Geoffrey Cherry as Musical Director and Choreography by Gillian
Algie. Tickets are available from the Island Arts Centre Box
Office on 9250 9254.