Michael Hudson as Professor Purple in the
DUNMURRY teenager Michael Hudson (18) and
Ryan Morgan (15) from Lisburn are among a group of talented
young deaf people from Northern Ireland who have produced a
horror film shown at the Belfast Festival at Queen's last week.
Organised by deaf children's charity NDCS,
First Light Movies and BBC Blast NI, the initiative brought
together a group of 14 deaf teenagers aged 14-19 with industry
professionals in August this year.
The young people learned a range of film
making skills including directing, script writing, acting, and
costume and make-up design, before working together to produce
the five minute film, 'Murder on the Manor'.
Michael, who played Professor Purple in the
film, said: "I have always enjoyed watching films, so I was
really keen to learn how to make one. It was great fun taking
part in the acting, and I found it very interesting to see how
the rest of the film was put together."
Ryan, who played a policeman in the film,
said: he had enjoyed taking part and added: "I also made new
friends during the weekend, so I really gained a lot from the
The project has been running for three years,
but the funding from First Light Movies and BBC Blast NI enabled
this year's event to the biggest cast ever.
NDCS spokesperson Stacey McStay said: "The
young deaf people working with BBC Blast were involved at every
stage including acting, directing, making camera shots and
editing material from the week.
"The project allowed young deaf people to come together and
gain hands-on experience in a specialised industry, giving
participants a taster in film production and maybe a foot in the
door to their desired career."
Ulster Star