Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band won the
Grade 1 Championship at the European Pipe Band Championships at
Lagan Valley LeisurePlex last Saturday afternoon (26th
July). Taking part were 120 pipe bands and over 50 drum majors,
somewhere in the region of 4000 competitors from all across
Ireland, Scotland, England and the rest of Europe. The event,
organised by the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association , in
association with Lisburn City Council, has
established itself as the second largest competition of its kind
in the world, second only to the World Championships which will
take place in Glasgow in August. Pipe bands were judged on
piping, drumming and ensemble and the RSPBA welcomed 18 judges
from Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Scotland as the
judging panel for this prestigious event.
The Mayor of Lisburn, Councillor Ronnie
Crawford, attended the event with his wife Jean. Speaking of
his delight that Lisburn has secured the bid to host the event
again he said, �Lisburn is becoming a more vibrant and buzzing
city as each day passes and this is reflected in the number of
events that take place here each year. The fact that we have
hosted the European Pipe Bands Championships for the second time
gives us great impressive sights, and hearing the wonderful
sounds of the talented bands and drum majors�.
The results
in Grade 1 were as follows:
Field Marshal Montgomery - N.
St. Laurence O�Toole - Ireland
House of Edgar - Shotts &
Dykehead - Scotland
Scottish Power - Scotland
Strathclyde Police - Scotland
Scottish Power - Scotland
The best drum corps title in Grade
1 was also won by Field Marshal Montgomery who won their
first drumming title since the European Championships in
2005. House of Edgar - Shotts and Dykehead who had won
the Scottish and British drumming titles finished sixth.
Other Champions crowned on the day
were as follows (Scotland unless stated otherwise):
Grade 2
Band - Ravara, N. Ireland (pictured above)
Drumming - Ravara, N. Ireland
Grade 3A
Band - MacKenzie Caledonia
Drumming - Howard Memorial, N. Ireland
Grade 3B
Band - McNeilstown, N. Ireland
Drumming - Augharonan, N. Ireland
Grade Juvenile
Band - Inveraray and District
Drumming - George Watsons College
Grade 4A
Band - Manor Cunningham, N. Ireland
Drumming - Manor Cunningham, N. Ireland
Grade 4B
Band - Stockbridge
Drumming - Cleland Memorial, N. Ireland
Grade Novice
Band - Kintyre Schools
Drumming - George Watsons College
Drum Majors -
Adult - Kathy Megarry-Calvin, Upper Crossgare
Juvenile - Linzi Hamilton, Killeen
Novice - Laura Abraham, Seven Towers
Ulster Star