Brian Browne
of Browne's Coachworks with the
family of 16-year-old Naomi
Wilson at Browne's Coachworks
during the Dedication of an SOS
bus in' Naomi's Memory.
BUS which will be used to support suicide and self harm
protection has been dedicated to the memory of a Dromore girl
who took her own life on her 15th birthday last October.
Supporters and voluntary staff of SOS Bus NI came together
last Friday to dedicate the bus to Naomi Wilson who committed
suicide on October 9 2007.
The dedication was all the more poignant as Naomi's brother,
Jonny, assisted in the building of SOS Bus NI.
People who have been in Belfast may have already seen, heard
or perhaps benefited from SOS Bus NI in its role assisting night
time support in Belfast City Centre, but now it is moving onto
its next role of providing educational support and awareness
promotion of suicide and self harm prevention, across Northern
Ireland, in its day time capacity.
Naomi's brother Jonny said: "I think this is a great honour
that Naomi's name is remembered in this way, I hope that the SOS
Bus Project and Naomi's memory will help to assist others in the
The Wilson family were at Browns Coachworks on the Moira Road
for the dedication, along with key supporters of the SOS Bus NI.
Joe Hyland, Director of SOS Bus NI added: "Naomi's story is a
tragic one, her links to the project are obviously very close as
Jonny spent months working on a vehicle designed to bring
support to those in need.
"SOS Bus is continuing to increase its influence on a local
level in night time support but now we need to focus on our
educational support and awareness promotion on issue like
suicide awareness. I encourage organisations out there to
contact us if they would like to use SOS Bus NI and I would
especially like to invite potential sponsors and fundraisers to
assist us in making a change."
Ulster Star