have been reports of strange goings on at Castle Gardens. Some
park visitors have commented that the trees have been talking to
them, and there have been several claims of sightings of
fairy-like creatures and mystical musical sounds.
However, on further investigation it seems it is actually the
preparations for Lisburn City Council's 'Twilight Nights',
running Friday September 26 and Saturday September 27, 7pm to
9pm, organised by the Arts Service.
Councillor Allan Ewart of Lisburn City Council explained: "There
will be fire breathers and jugglers, trapeze acts and large
scale illuminated 'creatures', all set against a background of
magical harpist music. There will also be spot prizes for those
in the most enchanting outfits. It should be a great evening for
all the family."
Vice Chairman of Lisburn City Council's Leisure Services
Committee, Councillor David Archer added: "I would like to thank
everyone who has been working so hard to ensure Twilight Nights
will be a magical experience for all the family"
Booking is not required for the Twilight Nights, just pay at the
gate. Entry is El per adult and 50 per child and visitors to the
event are kindly asked to bring the correct change. Access to
the event on both nights is via the Queen's Road entrance to
Castle Gardens, which is on a steer hill. Alternative wheelchair
friendly access will be available via Castle Street.
For further information on this magical event you can log on to or phone Island Arts Centre on 9250