Br Will MacRoberts
(Worshipful Master) and members of Whitehill LOL 258
pictured at a meeting marking the centenary of Whitehill Orange Hall. |
Sir Knt Raymond MacRoberts (Worshipful
Master) and members of Covenant of Peace RBP 435
pictured at a meeting marking the centenary of
Whitehill Orange Hall. |
Br Will MacRoberts (Worshipful Master)
and members of Whitehill LOL 258 pictured with
District, County and Grand Orange Lodge Officers at
a meeting marking the centenary of Whitehill Orange
Hall. |
Sir Knt Raymond MacRoberts (Worshipful
Master) and members of Covenant of Peace RBP 435
pictured with District and County Officers at a
meeting marking the centenary of Whitehill Orange
Hall. |
Pictured against the backdrop of a
plaque showing past masters of Whitehill LOL 258 are
L to R: Most Worshipful Robert Saulters (Grand
Master), Br Will MacRoberts (Worshipful Master), Br
Bertie MacRoberts (Past Master) and Br Drew Nelson
(Secretary - Grand Orange Lodge, Ireland). |
Br Adam McCahon, the newest member of
Whitehill LOL 258, was initiated on Tuesday 1st
July). Looking on are the Most Worshipful Robert
Saulters (Grand Master) and his proud father, Br
Kenny McCahon. |
Cutting a cake marking the centenary
of Whitehill Orange Hall are L to R: RBP 435 members
- Sir Knt Raymond MacRoberts WM, Sir Knt Sam Osborne PM and
Sir Knt
Jack Coulter PDep.M and Whitehill LOL 258 members - Br
Hugh Thompson DM, Br Bertie MacRoberts PM and Br Will
MacRoberts WM. |
A cake marking the centenary of
Whitehill Orange Hall. |
Most Worshipful Robert Saulters (Grand
Master) pictured with ladies who served
supper at a meeting marking the
centenary of Whitehill Orange Hall. L to
R: (seated) Lily MacRoberts and Karen
MacRoberts. (back row) Sally McCahon, Ann
Woods, Cheryl McRoberts, Anthea
MacRoberts and Josie MacRoberts. |