Aidan Lavery (Chairman of Lisburn
and District Angling Club) with a cheque for Action
Cancer presented to Eddie Bell and Eva Dobson with
members of the club US4708-405PM |
Aldan Lavery (Chairman of Lisburn
and District Angling Club) with a cheque for NI
Hospice presented to Irene Maitland (Chairperson)
with members of the club US4708-406PM |
EARLIER this year Lisburn and District
Angling Club decided to disband after nearly three quarters of a
century and divide the remaining club funds between two local
charities - Action Cancer and NI Hospice.
The club, formed in 1934, was originally
called the Lisburn Shooting and Wildflowers Club and during its
early years organised fishing and shooting outings throughout
Northern Ireland.
In the 1950s it changed its name to the
Lisburn and District Angling Club.
The heydays of the club were in the 70s and 80,
when there were approximately 100 senior and junior members.
However, in recent years the number of club
members has decreased dramatically and so on March 5, 2008, the
club decided to disband and it was agreed to divide the funds
between the Lisburn support groups of the two charities.
After presenting the cheques to the charities
last week, a spokesperson for the club said: Although we were
sad at the demise of the club it was with pleasure that we
presented a cheque for �1:347 to each charity to help them to
continue with their good work."
Ulster Star