you never saw tiny Davy Jones who stood knee high to a
grasshopper and had a custom-built red car to match, driving in
his open-top around Lisburn of the 50s you missed a treat. He
was a little man with a huge personality and a legendary
reputation. So today here is a picture of Davy as an air-raid
warden, snapped by William Corrie who was pharmacy manager in
Alex Boyd's the town chemists. The photo was loaned to me by
the late Mr Corrie's son Victor who believes it was taken
sometime during the Second World War . But who is Davy's
companion in the delightful picture which was probably taken in
former Lisburn council yard behind the town hall? Wee Mr Jones
was some character and it is said that he appeared in a few
movies. But which ones? If you know the person with Davy
and/or which films he appeared in please let me know at