Do you know anything about this old photograph
that was discovered in a house in Wallace Avenue?
THIS very old photograph came to light in
Lisburn last year.
It was discovered behind wallpaper by
decorators as they prepared the interior of a house at Wallace
Avenue for its new owners. The photograph was in an extremely
fragile condition with parts missing and torn edges. It was
passed to another resident of Wallace Avenue Miss K Barr who is
the sister of the former Rector of Derriaghy and well known
local historian Dean Norman Barr.
Dean Barr's wife Florence made a computer scan
of the picture which was then presented to Lisburn Museum.
However, to date no-one has been able to
identify anyone in the photograph.
Dean Barr, his wife and sister are keen to
obtain information about the picture which was obviously taken
during some kind of outing involving the people in the landau
and almost certainly dates from the late Victorian or early
Edwardian periods.
- Are they all members of one family?
- Were some of them the original occupants of the house in
Wallace Avenue where the picture was found?
- Who are the man and boy standing beside the horse?
- Can anyone identify the location at which the photograph
was taken?
If you can provide any information about the
picture please get in touch with Neil Greenlees at the Ulster
Star, telephone 9267 9111.
Alternatively, use the following e-mail address
Ulster Star