Pictured at the former
home of Harry Ferguson as work begins on
a memorial garden to mark his many
achievements, are Roy Poots, George
Cromie and Bill Forsythe, members of the
committee behind the project.
PREPARATIONS are well underway for the
official opening of the Harry Ferguson Memorial on August 16.
Work began at the Hillsborough site in March
with part being developed into a car park to accommodate
visitors and enthusiasts expected from all over the globe.
The rest of the site will consist of a
pathway leading up to the garden opposite the homestead where
there will be the bronze statue of Harry himself standing by the
gate which stood in the garden until a few weeks ago and which
is now restored ready for the big day.
The garden will also display information
boards at various locations offering history on Harry's many
inventions throughout the years.
Garden seating will be available for those who
wish to stay a while and take in the first real memorial put
together opposite the birthplace of the pioneer and inventor.
A spokesperson for the Harry Ferguson
Celebration Committee said: "We and the Midlands club are, of
course, excited to see the work finally started and could not
have done it alone, many people helped us along the way -mainly
the enthusiasts and exhibitor attenders over the past few years,
without whose input in making our August events successful our
finances would have meant a few more years to start datel."
The committee are appealing for every Ferguson tractor to
attend the official opening in August. Log onto the committee's
new website
www.harryfergusoncelebrationcommittee.com for more
Ulster Star