buildings in the heart of Lisburn's Historic Quarter face
demolition because they have deteriorated to such an extent part
of their structure is 'on the verge of collapse. The news was
greeted with dismay last Monday by the City Council's Planning
Committee, members of which unanimously agreed representatives
of the Environment and Heritage Service should be asked to
attend one of its future meetings to discuss the fate of 12 and
14 Castle Street.
This was proposed by former Historic Quarter
Chairman Councillor Trevor Lunn after Planning Officer Andrea
Todd said she was unable to defer the matter to allow its
consideration at an office meeting 'on grounds of health and
Ms. Todd explained a large part of the roof
on the two buildings was 'not there'. She also said both the
rafters and floor boards were 'rotting. Mr. Lunn asked if there
had been any input into the matter by the Environment and
Heritage Service.
He was told they had raised no objection and
Ms. Todd re-emphasised the building's 'serious state of
However, Mr. Lunn felt the demolition of the
buildings would be 'terrible' and made it clear he felt
renovation, like the work carried out in Bridge Street, was the
way forward.
His proposal to invite Environment and
Heritage Service officials to a future meeting of the Committee
was seconded by the current Historic Quarter Chairman Councillor
Allan Ewart.
Ms. Todd stressed again planners had taken
professional advice on the issue and said the new buildings
proposed for the two sites were 'virtually replacements' for the
structure currently in position.
Alderman Paul Porter pointed out the Area
Plan had identified Castle Street as part of the Conservation
Area. He said it was 'not good planning policy' to allow
buildings to fall into such a state of disrepair.
"If we are going to have a Conservation Area
we should be seeking to maintain it," he added.
No objections were lodged to an application
for permission to demolish the two buildings and rebuild.
However, four objections were lodged to a
more detailed application to construct two ground floor retail
units and four one bedroom
Ulster Star