Pictured at the
presentation of new collarette and cuffs
to Lower Iveagh District Officers in
Dromore Orange Hall last Wednesday
evening (9th April) are L to R: Bro
Jonathan Mattison (Deputy District
Master), Bro Eric Jess (District
Master), Rev Gerry Sproule (District
Chaplain) and Bro Drew Nelson (Secretary
- Grand Orange Lodge, Ireland).
Bro Eric Jess (Worshipful District Master) and Bro Jonathan
Mattison (Deputy District Master), District Officers of Lower
Iveagh District L.O.L. No. 1, were presented with new collarette
and cuffs by Bro Drew Nelson (Secretary - Grand Orange Lodge,
Ireland) at a meeting in Dromore Orange Hall last Wednesday
evening (9th April).
The Rev Gerry Sproule (District Chaplain) dedicated the
collarette and cuffs to the glory of God and the well being of
the Orange Institution saying that they would enhance the
appearance of the district. Mr Sproule went on to say that he
hoped that both present and future district officers would be
proud to walk with them. He concluded by speaking of his wish
that the new collarette and cuffs would bring dignity to the
institution and more importantly, bring glory to the name of
Jesus Christ.
In presenting the new collarette and cuffs, Bro Drew Nelson
expressed his wish that District Officers Bro Eric Jess and Bro
Jonathan Mattison would be long spared to wear them at the head
of Lower Iveagh District.
Bro Jess thanked Bro Nelson, the Rev Sproule and all members of
the district lodges for making the presentations and assured
them that the new collarette and cuffs will be worn with great
pride and honour.
Bro Eric Jess pictured wearing new
collarette and cuffs depicting his position as
Worshipful District Master of Lower Iveagh District. |
Bro Jonathan Mattison pictured
wearing new collarette and cuffs depicting his
position as Deputy District Master of Lower Iveagh
District. |
Ulster Star